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synced 2025-03-15 07:26:56 +00:00
906 lines
21 KiB
906 lines
21 KiB
Author: INeedGames
Date: 09/26/2020
The ingame waypoint editor.
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\bots\_bot_utility;
if ( getdvar( "bots_main_debug" ) == "" )
setdvar( "bots_main_debug", 0 );
if ( !getdvarint( "bots_main_debug" ) )
if ( !getdvarint( "developer" ) )
setdvar( "developer_script", 1 );
setdvar( "developer", 1 );
setdvar( "sv_mapRotation", "map " + getdvar( "mapname" ) );
exitlevel( false );
setdvar( "bots_main", 0 );
setdvar( "bots_main_menu", 0 );
setdvar( "bots_manage_fill_mode", 0 );
setdvar( "bots_manage_fill", 0 );
setdvar( "bots_manage_add", 0 );
setdvar( "bots_manage_fill_kick", 1 );
setdvar( "bots_manage_fill_spec", 1 );
if ( getdvar( "bots_main_debug_distance" ) == "" )
setdvar( "bots_main_debug_distance", 512.0 );
if ( getdvar( "bots_main_debug_cone" ) == "" )
setdvar( "bots_main_debug_cone", 0.65 );
if ( getdvar( "bots_main_debug_minDist" ) == "" )
setdvar( "bots_main_debug_minDist", 32.0 );
if ( getdvar( "bots_main_debug_drawThrough" ) == "" )
setdvar( "bots_main_debug_drawThrough", false );
setdvar( "player_sustainAmmo", 1 );
level.waypoints = [];
level.waypointcount = 0;
level waittill( "connected", player );
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
self endon( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self thread startDev();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
level.wptolink = -1;
level.autolink = false;
self.nearest = -1;
self takeallweapons();
self giveweapon( "m16_gl_mp" ); // to knife windows
self giveweapon( "javelin_mp" ); // to mark jav spots
self setoffhandprimaryclass( "other" );
self giveweapon( "semtex_mp" );
self _clearperks();
self.specialty = [];
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( "specialty_fastmantle" );
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( "specialty_falldamage" );
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( "specialty_marathon" );
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( "specialty_lightweight" );
self freezecontrols( false );
self thread watchAddWaypointCommand();
self thread watchDeleteAllWaypointsCommand();
self thread watchDeleteWaypointCommand();
self thread watchLinkWaypointCommand();
self thread watchLoadWaypointsCommand();
self thread watchSaveWaypointsCommand();
self thread watchunlinkWaypointCommand();
self thread watchAutoLinkCommand();
self thread updateWaypointsStats();
self thread watchAstarCommand();
self thread sayExtras();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self iprintln( "Before adding waypoints, holding buttons:" );
wait 4;
self iprintln( "ADS - climb" );
self iprintln( "Use + Attack - tube" );
self iprintln( "Attack - grenade" );
self iprintln( "Use - claymore" );
wait 4;
self iprintln( "Else the waypoint will be your stance." );
self iprintln( "Making a crouch waypoint with only one link..." );
self iprintln( "Makes a camping waypoint." );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "astar", "+gostand" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "astar" );
if ( 1 )
self iprintln( "Start AStar" );
self.astar = undefined;
astar = spawnstruct();
astar.start = self.origin;
self waittill( "astar" );
self iprintln( "End AStar" );
astar.goal = self.origin;
astar.nodes = AStarSearch( astar.start, astar.goal, undefined, true );
self iprintln( "AStar size: " + astar.nodes.size );
self.astar = astar;
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self initHudElem( "TotalWps:", 102, 5 );
totalWpsHud = self initHudElem( "", 180, 5 );
self initHudElem( "NearestWP:", 102, 15 );
nearestWP = self initHudElem( "", 180, 15 );
self initHudElem( "Childs:", 102, 25 );
children = self initHudElem( "", 160, 25 );
self initHudElem( "Type:", 102, 35 );
type = self initHudElem( "", 160, 35 );
self initHudElem( "ToLink:", 102, 45 );
wpToLink = self initHudElem( "", 160, 45 );
infotext = self initHudElem2();
self initHudElem3();
self initHudElem4();
for ( time = 0;; time += 0.05 )
wait 0.05;
totalWpsHud settext( level.waypointcount );
closest = -1;
myEye = self geteye();
myAngles = self getplayerangles();
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
if ( closest == -1 || closer( self.origin, level.waypoints[ i ].origin, level.waypoints[ closest ].origin ) )
closest = i;
wpOrg = level.waypoints[ i ].origin + ( 0, 0, 25 );
if ( distance( level.waypoints[ i ].origin, self.origin ) < getdvarfloat( "bots_main_debug_distance" ) && ( bullettracepassed( myEye, wpOrg, false, self ) || getdvarint( "bots_main_debug_drawThrough" ) ) )
for ( h = level.waypoints[ i ].children.size - 1; h >= 0; h-- )
line( wpOrg, level.waypoints[ level.waypoints[ i ].children[ h ] ].origin + ( 0, 0, 25 ), ( 1, 0, 1 ) );
if ( getConeDot( wpOrg, myEye, myAngles ) > getdvarfloat( "bots_main_debug_cone" ) )
print3d( wpOrg, i, ( 1, 0, 0 ), 2 );
if ( isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].angles ) && level.waypoints[ i ].type != "stand" )
line( wpOrg, wpOrg + anglestoforward( level.waypoints[ i ].angles ) * 64, ( 1, 1, 1 ) );
if ( isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].jav_point ) )
line( wpOrg, level.waypoints[ i ].jav_point, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
self.nearest = closest;
nearestWP settext( self.nearest );
children settext( buildChildCountString( self.nearest ) );
type settext( buildTypeString( self.nearest ) );
wpToLink settext( level.wptolink );
infotext.x = infotext.x - 2;
if ( infotext.x <= -800 )
infotext.x = 800;
if ( self usebuttonpressed() && time > 2 )
time = 0;
self iprintlnbold( self.nearest + " children: " + buildChildString( self.nearest ) );
if ( isdefined( self.astar ) )
print3d( self.astar.start + ( 0, 0, 35 ), "start", ( 0, 0, 1 ), 2 );
print3d( self.astar.goal + ( 0, 0, 35 ), "goal", ( 0, 0, 1 ), 2 );
prev = self.astar.start + ( 0, 0, 35 );
for ( i = self.astar.nodes.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
node = self.astar.nodes[ i ];
line( prev, level.waypoints[ node ].origin + ( 0, 0, 35 ), ( 0, 1, 1 ) );
prev = level.waypoints[ node ].origin + ( 0, 0, 35 );
line( prev, self.astar.goal + ( 0, 0, 35 ), ( 0, 1, 1 ) );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+actionslot 2}]", "+actionslot 2" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+actionslot 2}]" );
self LoadWaypoints();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+smoke}]", "+smoke" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+smoke}]" );
self AddWaypoint();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+frag}]", "+frag" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+frag}]" );
if ( level.autolink )
self iprintlnbold( "Auto link disabled" );
level.autolink = false;
level.wptolink = -1;
self iprintlnbold( "Auto link enabled" );
level.autolink = true;
level.wptolink = self.nearest;
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+melee}]", "+melee" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+melee}]" );
self LinkWaypoint( self.nearest );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+reload}]", "+reload" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+reload}]" );
self UnLinkWaypoint( self.nearest );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+actionslot 3}]", "+actionslot 3" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+actionslot 3}]" );
self DeleteWaypoint( self.nearest );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+actionslot 4}]", "+actionslot 4" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+actionslot 4}]" );
self DeleteAllWaypoints();
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyonplayercommand( "[{+actionslot 1}]", "+actionslot 1" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "[{+actionslot 1}]" );
self checkForWarnings();
wait 1;
logprint( "***********ABiliTy's WPDump**************\n\n" );
logprint( "\n\n\n\n" );
mpnm = getMapName( getdvar( "mapname" ) );
logprint( "\n\n" + mpnm + "()\n{\n/*" );
logprint( "*/waypoints = [];\n/*" );
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ] = spawnstruct();\n/*" );
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ].origin = " + level.waypoints[ i ].origin + ";\n/*" );
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ].type = \"" + level.waypoints[ i ].type + "\";\n/*" );
for ( c = 0; c < level.waypoints[ i ].children.size; c++ )
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ].children[ " + c + " ] = " + level.waypoints[ i ].children[ c ] + ";\n/*" );
if ( isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].angles ) && ( level.waypoints[ i ].type == "claymore" || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "tube" || ( level.waypoints[ i ].type == "crouch" && level.waypoints[ i ].children.size == 1 ) || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "climb" || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "grenade" ) )
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ].angles = " + level.waypoints[ i ].angles + ";\n/*" );
if ( isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].jav_point ) && level.waypoints[ i ].type == "javelin" )
logprint( "*/waypoints[ " + i + " ].jav_point = " + level.waypoints[ i ].jav_point + ";\n/*" );
logprint( "*/return waypoints;\n}\n\n\n\n" );
filename = "waypoints/" + getdvar( "mapname" ) + "_wp.csv";
println( "********* Start Bot Warfare WPDump *********" );
println( level.waypointcount );
BotBuiltinFileWrite( filename, level.waypointcount + "\n", "write" );
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
str = "";
wp = level.waypoints[ i ];
str += wp.origin[ 0 ] + " " + wp.origin[ 1 ] + " " + wp.origin[ 2 ] + ",";
for ( h = 0; h < wp.children.size; h++ )
str += wp.children[ h ];
if ( h < wp.children.size - 1 )
str += " ";
str += "," + wp.type + ",";
if ( isdefined( wp.angles ) )
str += wp.angles[ 0 ] + " " + wp.angles[ 1 ] + " " + wp.angles[ 2 ] + ",";
str += ",";
if ( isdefined( wp.jav_point ) )
str += wp.jav_point[ 0 ] + " " + wp.jav_point[ 1 ] + " " + wp.jav_point[ 2 ] + ",";
str += ",";
println( str );
BotBuiltinFileWrite( filename, str + "\n", "append" );
println( "\n\n\n\n\n\n" );
self iprintln( "Saved!!! to " + filename );
self DeleteAllWaypoints();
self iprintlnbold( "Loading WPS..." );
wait 1;
self checkForWarnings();
if ( level.waypointcount <= 0 )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypointCount is " + level.waypointcount );
if ( level.waypointcount != level.waypoints.size )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypointCount is not " + level.waypoints.size );
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ] ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " is undefined" );
if ( level.waypoints[ i ].children.size <= 0 )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " childCount is " + level.waypoints[ i ].children.size );
if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].children ) || !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].children.size ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " children is not defined" );
for ( h = level.waypoints[ i ].children.size - 1; h >= 0; h-- )
child = level.waypoints[ i ].children[ h ];
if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ child ] ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " child " + child + " is undefined" );
else if ( child == i )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " child " + child + " is itself" );
if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].type ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " type is undefined" );
if ( level.waypoints[ i ].type == "javelin" && !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].jav_point ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " jav_point is undefined" );
if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].angles ) && ( level.waypoints[ i ].type == "claymore" || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "tube" || ( level.waypoints[ i ].type == "crouch" && level.waypoints[ i ].children.size == 1 ) || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "climb" || level.waypoints[ i ].type == "grenade" ) )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + i + " angles is undefined" );
// check reachability, assume bidirectional graph
wpIdx = randomint( level.waypointcount );
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
if ( i % 5 == 0 )
wait 0.05;
astar = AStarSearch( level.waypoints[ wpIdx ].origin, level.waypoints[ i ].origin, undefined, true );
if ( astar.size <= 0 )
self iprintln( "WARNING: waypoint " + wpIdx + " has no path to waypoint " + i );
self iprintln( "Waypoint warnings check completed." );
UnLinkWaypoint( nwp )
if ( nwp == -1 || distance( self.origin, level.waypoints[ nwp ].origin ) > getdvarfloat( "bots_main_debug_minDist" ) )
self iprintln( "Waypoint unlink Cancelled " + level.wptolink );
level.wptolink = -1;
if ( level.wptolink == -1 || nwp == level.wptolink )
level.wptolink = nwp;
self iprintln( "Waypoint unlink Started " + nwp );
level.waypoints[ nwp ].children = array_remove( level.waypoints[ nwp ].children, level.wptolink );
level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children = array_remove( level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children, nwp );
self iprintln( "Waypoint " + nwp + " Broken to " + level.wptolink );
level.wptolink = -1;
LinkWaypoint( nwp )
if ( nwp == -1 || distance( self.origin, level.waypoints[ nwp ].origin ) > getdvarfloat( "bots_main_debug_minDist" ) )
self iprintln( "Waypoint Link Cancelled " + level.wptolink );
level.wptolink = -1;
if ( level.wptolink == -1 || nwp == level.wptolink )
level.wptolink = nwp;
self iprintln( "Waypoint Link Started " + nwp );
weGood = true;
for ( i = level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
child = level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children[ i ];
if ( child == nwp )
weGood = false;
if ( weGood )
for ( i = level.waypoints[ nwp ].children.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
child = level.waypoints[ nwp ].children[ i ];
if ( child == level.wptolink )
weGood = false;
if ( !weGood )
self iprintln( "Waypoint Link Cancelled " + nwp + " and " + level.wptolink + " already linked." );
level.wptolink = -1;
level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children[ level.waypoints[ level.wptolink ].children.size ] = nwp;
level.waypoints[ nwp ].children[ level.waypoints[ nwp ].children.size ] = level.wptolink;
self iprintln( "Waypoint " + nwp + " Linked to " + level.wptolink );
level.wptolink = -1;
DeleteWaypoint( nwp )
if ( nwp == -1 || distance( self.origin, level.waypoints[ nwp ].origin ) > getdvarfloat( "bots_main_debug_minDist" ) )
self iprintln( "No close enough waypoint to delete." );
level.wptolink = -1;
for ( i = level.waypoints[ nwp ].children.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
child = level.waypoints[ nwp ].children[ i ];
level.waypoints[ child ].children = array_remove( level.waypoints[ child ].children, nwp );
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypointcount; i++ )
for ( h = level.waypoints[ i ].children.size - 1; h >= 0; h-- )
if ( level.waypoints[ i ].children[ h ] > nwp )
level.waypoints[ i ].children[ h ]--;
for ( entry = 0; entry < level.waypointcount; entry++ )
if ( entry == nwp )
while ( entry < level.waypointcount - 1 )
level.waypoints[ entry ] = level.waypoints[ entry + 1 ];
level.waypoints[ entry ] = undefined;
self iprintln( "DelWp " + nwp );
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ] = spawnstruct();
pos = self getorigin();
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].origin = pos;
if ( isdefined( self.javelintargetpoint ) )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = "javelin";
else if ( self adsbuttonpressed() )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = "climb";
else if ( self attackbuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = "tube";
else if ( self attackbuttonpressed() )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = "grenade";
else if ( self usebuttonpressed() )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = "claymore";
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type = self getstance();
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].angles = self getplayerangles();
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].children = [];
if ( level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type == "javelin" )
level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].jav_point = self.javelintargetpoint;
self iprintln( level.waypoints[ level.waypointcount ].type + " Waypoint " + level.waypointcount + " Added at " + pos );
if ( level.autolink )
if ( level.wptolink == -1 )
level.wptolink = level.waypointcount - 1;
self LinkWaypoint( level.waypointcount - 1 );
level.waypoints = [];
level.waypointcount = 0;
self iprintln( "DelAllWps" );
buildChildCountString ( wp )
if ( wp == -1 )
return "";
wpstr = level.waypoints[ wp ].children.size + "";
return wpstr;
buildChildString( wp )
if ( wp == -1 )
return "";
wpstr = "";
for ( i = 0; i < level.waypoints[ wp ].children.size; i++ )
if ( i != 0 )
wpstr = wpstr + "," + level.waypoints[ wp ].children[ i ];
wpstr = wpstr + level.waypoints[ wp ].children[ i ];
return wpstr;
buildTypeString( wp )
if ( wp == -1 )
return "";
return level.waypoints[ wp ].type;
destroyOnDeath( hud )
hud endon( "death" );
self waittill_either( "death", "disconnect" );
hud destroy();
initHudElem( txt, xl, yl )
hud = newclienthudelem( self );
hud settext( txt );
hud.alignx = "left";
hud.aligny = "top";
hud.horzalign = "left";
hud.vertalign = "top";
hud.x = xl;
hud.y = yl;
hud.foreground = true;
hud.fontscale = 1;
hud.font = "objective";
hud.alpha = 1;
hud.glow = 0;
hud.glowcolor = ( 0, 0, 0 );
hud.glowalpha = 1;
hud.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
self thread destroyOnDeath( hud );
return hud;
infotext = newhudelem();
infotext settext( "^1[{+smoke}]-AddWp ^2[{+melee}]-LinkWp ^3[{+reload}]-UnLinkWp ^4[{+actionslot 3}]-DeleteWp ^5[{+actionslot 4}]-DelAllWps ^6[{+actionslot 2}]-LoadWPS ^7[{+actionslot 1}]-SaveWp" );
infotext.alignx = "center";
infotext.aligny = "bottom";
infotext.horzalign = "center";
infotext.vertalign = "bottom";
infotext.x = -800;
infotext.y = 25;
infotext.foreground = true;
infotext.fontscale = 1.35;
infotext.font = "objective";
infotext.alpha = 1;
infotext.glow = 0;
infotext.glowcolor = ( 0, 0, 0 );
infotext.glowalpha = 1;
infotext.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
self thread destroyOnDeath( infotext );
return infotext;
bar = level createserverbar( ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ), 1000, 25 );
bar.alignx = "center";
bar.aligny = "bottom";
bar.horzalign = "center";
bar.vertalign = "bottom";
bar.y = 30;
bar.foreground = true;
self thread destroyOnDeath( bar );
return bar;
OptionsBG = newclienthudelem( self );
OptionsBG.x = 100;
OptionsBG.y = 2;
OptionsBG.alignx = "left";
OptionsBG.aligny = "top";
OptionsBG.horzalign = "left";
OptionsBG.vertalign = "top";
OptionsBG setshader( "black", 200, 60 );
OptionsBG.alpha = 0.4;
self thread destroyOnDeath( OptionsBG );
return OptionsBG;