It aims to add playable AI to the multiplayer games of World at War.
You can find the more information at the Git Repo:
**Important to public dedicated servers**
The 'bots_main_firstIsHost' DVAR is enabled by default!
This is so inexperienced users of the mod can access with menu without any configuration.
Make sure to disable this DVAR by adding 'set bots_main_firstIsHost 0' in your server config!
## Installation
T4M requires an unpacked steamless version of the multiplayer World at War executable (otherwise known as LanFixed). You can use a Steam Unpacker on your multiplayer World at War Steam executable to acquire the required executable.
- Download the d3d9.dll from and place it into the root of your World at War install
- Download the WaW MP LanFixed from and place it into the root of your World at War install, you will use this executable to run the game.