2024-12-11 11:28:08 +01:00

4981 lines
116 KiB

"Name: noself_func( <func> , <parm1> , <parm2> , <parm3> , <parm4> )"
"Summary: Runs a function from level.func, if it exists. Stand alone, doesn't run on anything. Useful for common scripts where a code function may not exist in one codebase or the other."
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <func>: String reference to level.func array."
"OptionalArg: <parm1>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm2>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm3>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm4>: "
"Example: noself_func( "setsaveddvar", "r_spotlightbrightness", maxVal );"
"SPMP: both"
noself_func( func, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 )
if ( !isdefined( level.func ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.func[ func ] ) )
if ( !isdefined( parm1 ) )
call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]();
if ( !isdefined( parm2 ) )
call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1 );
if ( !isdefined( parm3 ) )
call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2 );
if ( !isdefined( parm4 ) )
call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3 );
call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 );
"Name: self_func( <func> , <parm1> , <parm2> , <parm3> , <parm4> )"
"Summary: Runs a function from level.func, if it exists. Runs on whatever calls it. Useful for common scripts where a code function may not exist in one codebase or the other."
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <func>: String reference to level.func array."
"OptionalArg: <parm1>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm2>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm3>: "
"OptionalArg: <parm4>: "
"Example: level.player self_func( "some_player_function", 1, 2 );"
"SPMP: both"
self_func( func, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 )
if ( !isdefined( level.func[ func ] ) )
if ( !isdefined( parm1 ) )
self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]();
if ( !isdefined( parm2 ) )
self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1 );
if ( !isdefined( parm3 ) )
self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2 );
if ( !isdefined( parm4 ) )
self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3 );
self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 );
"Name: randomvector( <num> )"
"Summary: returns a random vector centered on <num>"
"Module: Vector"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <num>: "
"Example: direction = randomvector( 1 )"
"SPMP: both"
randomvector( num )
return( randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5, randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5, randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5 );
"Name: randomvectorrange( <num_min>, <num_max> )"
"Summary: returns a random vector centered between <num_min> and <num_max>"
"Module: Vector"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <num_min>: "
"MandatoryArg: <num_max>: "
"Example: direction = randomvectorrange( 5, 10 )"
"SPMP: both"
randomvectorrange( num_min, num_max )
assert( isdefined( num_min ) );
assert( isdefined( num_max ) );
x = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max );
if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 )
x *= -1;
y = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max );
if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 )
y *= -1;
z = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max );
if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 )
z *= -1;
return( x, y, z );
sign( x )
if ( x >= 0 )
return 1;
return - 1;
// Modulo: returns the part left over when dividend is divided by divisor. If divisor is <0, result will be <0.
mod( dividend, divisor )
q = Int( dividend / divisor );
if ( dividend * divisor < 0 ) q -= 1;
return dividend - ( q * divisor );
track( spot_to_track )
if ( isdefined( self.current_target ) )
if ( spot_to_track == self.current_target )
self.current_target = spot_to_track;
get_enemy_team( team )
assertEx( team != "neutral", "Team must be allies or axis" );
teams = [];
teams[ "axis" ] = "allies";
teams[ "allies" ] = "axis";
return teams[ team ];
clear_exception( type )
assert( isdefined( self.exception[ type ] ) );
self.exception[ type ] = anim.defaultException;
set_exception( type, func )
assert( isdefined( self.exception[ type ] ) );
self.exception[ type ] = func;
set_all_exceptions( exceptionFunc )
keys = getArrayKeys( self.exception );
for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
self.exception[ keys[ i ] ] = exceptionFunc;
"Name: cointoss()"
"Summary: 50/50 returns true"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: Level"
"Example: if(cointoss())"
"SPMP: both"
return randomint( 100 ) >= 50 ;
choose_from_weighted_array( values, weights )
assert( values.size == weights.size );
randomval = randomint( weights[ weights.size - 1 ] + 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < weights.size; i++ )
if ( randomval <= weights[i] )
return values[i];
get_cumulative_weights( weights )
cumulative_weights = [];
sum = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < weights.size; i++ )
sum += weights[i];
cumulative_weights[i] = sum;
return cumulative_weights;
waittill_string( msg, ent )
if ( msg != "death" )
self endon( "death" );
ent endon( "die" );
self waittill( msg );
ent notify( "returned", msg );
waittill_string_no_endon_death( msg, ent )
ent endon( "die" );
self waittill( msg );
ent notify( "returned", msg );
waittill_multiple( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 )
self endon( "death" );
ent = SpawnStruct();
ent.threads = 0;
if ( isdefined( string1 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string4, ent );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string5, ent );
while ( ent.threads )
ent waittill( "returned" );
ent notify( "die" );
waittill_multiple_ents( ent1, string1, ent2, string2, ent3, string3, ent4, string4 )
self endon( "death" );
ent = SpawnStruct();
ent.threads = 0;
if ( isdefined( ent1 ) )
assert( isdefined( string1 ) );
ent1 childthread waittill_string( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( ent2 ) )
assert( isdefined( string2 ) );
ent2 childthread waittill_string( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( ent3 ) )
assert( isdefined( string3 ) );
ent3 childthread waittill_string( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( ent4 ) )
assert( isdefined( string4 ) );
ent4 childthread waittill_string( string4, ent );
while ( ent.threads )
ent waittill( "returned" );
ent notify( "die" );
"Name: waittill_any_return( <string1> , <string2> , <string3> , <string4> , <string5> , <string6> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string1>: A string to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <string2>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string3>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string4>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string5>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string6>: A string to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_return( "weapon_fired", "player_flash", "player_frag" );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_return( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6 )
if ( ( !isdefined( string1 ) || string1 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string2 ) || string2 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string3 ) || string3 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string4 ) || string4 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string5 ) || string5 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string6 ) || string6 != "death" ) )
self endon( "death" );
ent = SpawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( string1 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string4, ent );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string5, ent );
if ( isdefined( string6 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string6, ent );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_return_no_endon_death( <string1> , <string2> , <string3> , <string4> , <string5> , <string6> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was. Doesn't endon death."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string1>: A string to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <string2>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string3>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string4>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string5>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string6>: A string to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_return_no_endon_death( "weapon_fired", "player_flash", "player_frag" );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_return_no_endon_death( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6 )
ent = SpawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( string1 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string4, ent );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string5, ent );
if ( isdefined( string6 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string6, ent );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_in_array_return( <string_array> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string_array>: An array of strings to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_in_array_return( array );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_in_array_return( string_array )
ent = SpawnStruct();
hasDeath = false;
foreach( string in string_array )
self childthread waittill_string( string, ent );
if( string == "death" )
hasDeath = true;
if( !hasDeath )
self endon( "death" );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_in_array_return_no_endon_death( <string_array> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was. Doesn't endon death."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string_array>: An array of strings to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_in_array_return_no_endon_death( array );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_in_array_return_no_endon_death( string_array )
ent = SpawnStruct();
foreach( string in string_array )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string, ent );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout( <string_array>, <timeOut> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was, or returns "timeout" if the time limit is reached."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string_array>: An array of strings to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout( array, 3.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout( string_array, timeOut )
ent = SpawnStruct();
hasDeath = false;
foreach( string in string_array )
self childthread waittill_string( string, ent );
if( string == "death" )
hasDeath = true;
if( !hasDeath )
self endon( "death" );
ent childthread _timeout( timeOut );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout_no_endon_death( <string_array>, <timeOut> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was, or returns "timeout" if the time limit is reached."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string_array>: An array of strings to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout_no_endon_death( array, 3.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_in_array_or_timeout_no_endon_death( string_array, timeOut )
ent = SpawnStruct();
foreach( string in string_array )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string, ent );
ent thread _timeout( timeOut );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any_timeout( <timeOut> , <string1> , <string2> , <string3> , <string4> , <string5> , <string6> )"
"Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was, or returns "timeout" if the time limit is reached"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <timeOut>: Time (in seconds) to stop waiting and return "timeout"
"MandatoryArg: <string1>: A string to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <string2>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string3>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string4>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string5>: A string to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <string6>: A string to wait on"
"Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_timeout( 10, "weapon_fired", "player_flash", "player_frag" );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_timeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6 )
if ( ( !isdefined( string1 ) || string1 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string2 ) || string2 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string3 ) || string3 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string4 ) || string4 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string5 ) || string5 != "death" ) &&
( !isdefined( string6 ) || string6 != "death" ) )
self endon( "death" );
ent = SpawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( string1 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string4, ent );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string5, ent );
if ( isdefined( string6 ) )
self childthread waittill_string( string6, ent );
ent childthread _timeout( timeOut );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
_timeout( delay )
self endon( "die" );
wait( delay );
self notify( "returned", "timeout" );
"Name: waittill_any_timeout_no_endon_death( <timeOut> , <string1> , <string2> , <string3> , <string4> , <string5> )"
"Summary: The waittill_any_timeout ends on death. This one will not."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any_timeout_no_endon_death( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 )
ent = SpawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( string1 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string1, ent );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string2, ent );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string3, ent );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string4, ent );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self childthread waittill_string_no_endon_death( string5, ent );
ent childthread _timeout( timeOut );
ent waittill( "returned", msg );
ent notify( "die" );
return msg;
"Name: waittill_any( <string1> , <string2> , <string3> , <string4> , <string5> , <string6> , <string7> , <string8> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <string1>: a notify on which the entity should wait"
"OptionalArg: <string2> - <string8>: optional other notifies to wait for"
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
waittill_any( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7, string8 )
assert( isdefined( string1 ) );
if ( isdefined( string2 ) )
self endon( string2 );
if ( isdefined( string3 ) )
self endon( string3 );
if ( isdefined( string4 ) )
self endon( string4 );
if ( isdefined( string5 ) )
self endon( string5 );
if ( isdefined( string6 ) )
self endon( string6 );
if ( isdefined( string7 ) )
self endon( string7 );
if ( isdefined( string8 ) )
self endon( string8 );
self waittill( string1 );
waittill_any_ents( ent1, string1, ent2, string2, ent3, string3, ent4, string4, ent5, string5, ent6, string6, ent7, string7 )
assert( isdefined( ent1 ) );
assert( isdefined( string1 ) );
if ( ( isdefined( ent2 ) ) && ( isdefined( string2 ) ) )
ent2 endon( string2 );
if ( ( isdefined( ent3 ) ) && ( isdefined( string3 ) ) )
ent3 endon( string3 );
if ( ( isdefined( ent4 ) ) && ( isdefined( string4 ) ) )
ent4 endon( string4 );
if ( ( isdefined( ent5 ) ) && ( isdefined( string5 ) ) )
ent5 endon( string5 );
if ( ( isdefined( ent6 ) ) && ( isdefined( string6 ) ) )
ent6 endon( string6 );
if ( ( isdefined( ent7 ) ) && ( isdefined( string7 ) ) )
ent7 endon( string7 );
ent1 waittill( string1 );
"Name: isFlashed()"
"Summary: Returns true if the player or an AI is flashed"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An AI"
"Example: flashed = level.price isflashed();"
"SPMP: both"
if ( !isdefined( self.flashEndTime ) )
return false;
return gettime() < self.flashEndTime;
"Name: flag_exist( <flagname> )"
"Summary: checks to see if a flag exists"
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to check"
"Example: if( flag_exist( "hq_cleared" ) );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_exist( message )
return isdefined( level.flag[ message ] );
"Name: flag( <flagname> )"
"Summary: Checks if the flag is set. Returns true or false."
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to check"
"Example: if ( flag( "hq_cleared" ) )"
"SPMP: both"
flag( message )
assertEx( isdefined( message ), "Tried to check flag but the flag was not defined." );
assertEx( isdefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Tried to check flag " + message + " but the flag was not initialized." );
return level.flag[ message ];
level.flag = [];
level.flags_lock = [];
level.generic_index = 0;
if ( !isdefined( level.sp_stat_tracking_func ) )
level.sp_stat_tracking_func = ::empty_init_func;
level.flag_struct = SpawnStruct();
level.flag_struct assign_unique_id();
"Name: flag_init( <flagname> )"
"Summary: Initialize a flag to be used. All flags must be initialized before using flag_set or flag_wait"
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to create"
"Example: flag_init( "hq_cleared" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_init( message )
if ( !isDefined( level.flag ) )
if ( isdefined( level.first_frame ) && level.first_frame == -1 )
assertEx( !isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to reinitialize existing message: " + message );
level.flag[ message ] = false;
// lock check
if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags ) )
level.trigger_flags[ message ] = [];
if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags[ message ] ) )
level.trigger_flags[ message ] = [];
if ( issuffix( message, "aa_" ) )
thread [[ level.sp_stat_tracking_func ]]( message );
empty_init_func( empty )
issuffix( msg, suffix )
if ( suffix.size > msg.size )
return false;
for ( i = 0; i < suffix.size; i++ )
if ( msg[ i ] != suffix[ i ] )
return false;
return true;
"Name: flag_set( <flagname>, <setter> )"
"Summary: Sets the specified flag, all scripts using flag_wait will now continue."
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to set"
"OptionalArg: <setter> : Pass an entity with the flag_set"
"Example: flag_set( "hq_broiled" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_set( message, setter )
assertEx( isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to set a flag before calling flag_init: " + message );
//lock check
level.flag[ message ] = true;
set_trigger_flag_permissions( message );
if ( isdefined( setter ) )
level notify( message, setter );// notify needs to be very last thing called
level notify( message );// notify needs to be very last thing called
self.unique_id = "generic" + level.generic_index;
"Name: flag_wait( <flagname> )"
"Summary: Waits until the specified flag is set."
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to wait on"
"Example: flag_wait( "hq_cleared" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait( msg )
other = undefined;
while ( !flag( msg ) )
other = undefined;
level waittill( msg, other );
if ( isdefined( other ) )
return other;
"Name: flag_clear( <flagname>, <entity> )"
"Summary: Clears the specified flag."
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname> : name of the flag to clear"
"Example: flag_clear( "hq_cleared" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_clear( message )
assertEx( isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to set a flag before calling flag_init: " + message );
// lock implementation tbd
//do this check so we don't unneccessarily send a notify
if ( !flag( message ) )
level.flag[ message ] = false;
set_trigger_flag_permissions( message );
level notify( message );// the notify needs to be the very last thing called in this function
"Name: flag_waitopen( <flagname> )"
"Summary: Waits for the flag to open"
"Module: Flag"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname>: The flag"
"Example: flag_waitopen( "get_me_bagels" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_waitopen( msg )
while ( flag( msg ) )
level waittill( msg );
"Name: waittill_either( <msg1> , <msg2> )"
"Summary: Waits until either message, on self"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity or the level"
"MandatoryArg: <msg1>: First msg to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <msg2>: Second msg to wait on"
"Example: level waittill_either( "yo", "no" );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_either( msg1, msg2 )
self endon( msg1 );
self waittill( msg2 );
"Name: array_thread_amortized( <entities> , <process> , <amortizationTime>, <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Threads the < process > function on every entity in the < entities > array. The entity will become "self" in the specified function."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a script function"
"OptionalArg: <amortizationTime> : time to wait between processing"
"OptionalArg: <var1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"Example: array_thread( array_of_guys, ::set_ignoreme, 0.05, false );"
"SPMP: both"
array_thread_amortized( entities, process, amortizationTime, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 )
if ( !isdefined( var1 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]();
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var4 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var5 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var6 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var7 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var8 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 );
wait amortizationTime;
if ( !isdefined( var9 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8 );
wait amortizationTime;
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 );
wait amortizationTime;
"Name: array_thread( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Threads the < process > function on every entity in the < entities > array. The entity will become "self" in the specified function."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a script function"
"OptionalArg: <var1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"Example: array_thread( array_of_guys, ::set_ignoreme, false );"
"SPMP: both"
array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 )
if ( !isdefined( var1 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]();
if ( !isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1 );
if ( !isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2 );
if ( !isdefined( var4 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3 );
if ( !isdefined( var5 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4 );
if ( !isdefined( var6 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 );
if ( !isdefined( var7 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6 );
if ( !isdefined( var8 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 );
if ( !isdefined( var9 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8 );
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 );
"Name: array_call( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Runs the code < process > function on every entity in the < entities > array. The entity will become "self" in the specified function."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a code function"
"OptionalArg: <var1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"Example: array_call( array_of_guys, ::set_ignoreme, false );"
"SPMP: both"
array_call( entities, process, var1, var2, var3 )
if ( isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent call [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3 );
if ( isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent call [[ process ]]( var1, var2 );
if ( isdefined( var1 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent call [[ process ]]( var1 );
foreach ( ent in entities )
ent call [[ process ]]();
"Name: noself_array_call( <entities>, <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Runs the code < process > function with every entity in the < entities > array as the first parm. "
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a code function"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var4> : parameter 4 to pass to the process"
"Example: noself_array_call( level.introScreen.Names, ::PreCacheString );"
"SPMP: both"
noself_array_call(entities, process, var2, var3, var4 )
if ( isdefined( var4 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var2, var3, var4 );
if ( isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var2, var3 );
if ( isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in entities )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var2 );
foreach ( ent in entities )
call [[ process ]]( ent );
"Name: array_thread4( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> , <var4> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
array_thread4( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4 )
array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4 );
"Name: array_thread5( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> , <var4> , <var5> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
array_thread5( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 )
array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 );
"Name: trigger_on( <name>, <type> )"
"Summary: Turns a trigger on. This only needs to be called if it was previously turned off"
"Module: Trigger"
"CallOn: A trigger"
"OptionalArg: <name> : the name corrisponding to a targetname or script_noteworthy to grab the trigger internally"
"OptionalArg: <type> : the type( targetname, or script_noteworthy ) corrisponding to a name to grab the trigger internally"
"Example: trigger trigger_on(); -or- trigger_on( "base_trigger", "targetname" )"
"SPMP: both"
trigger_on( name, type )
if ( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ) )
ents = getentarray( name, type );
array_thread( ents, ::trigger_on_proc );
self trigger_on_proc();
if ( isDefined( self.realOrigin ) )
self.origin = self.realOrigin;
self.trigger_off = undefined;
"Name: trigger_off( <name>, <type> )"
"Summary: Turns a trigger off so it can no longer be triggered."
"Module: Trigger"
"CallOn: A trigger"
"OptionalArg: <name> : the name corrisponding to a targetname or script_noteworthy to grab the trigger internally"
"OptionalArg: <type> : the type( targetname, or script_noteworthy ) corrisponding to a name to grab the trigger internally"
"Example: trigger trigger_off();"
"SPMP: both"
trigger_off( name, type )
if ( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ) )
ents = getentarray( name, type );
array_thread( ents, ::trigger_off_proc );
self trigger_off_proc();
if ( !isDefined( self.realOrigin ) )
self.realOrigin = self.origin;
if ( self.origin == self.realorigin )
self.origin += ( 0, 0, -10000 );
self.trigger_off = true;
set_trigger_flag_permissions( msg )
// turns triggers on or off depending on if they have the proper flags set, based on their shift-g menu settings
// this can be init before _load has run, thanks to AI.
if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags ) )
// cheaper to do the upkeep at this time rather than with endons and waittills on the individual triggers
level.trigger_flags[ msg ] = array_removeUndefined( level.trigger_flags[ msg ] );
array_thread( level.trigger_flags[ msg ], ::update_trigger_based_on_flags );
true_on = true;
if ( isdefined( self.script_flag_true ) )
true_on = false;
tokens = create_flags_and_return_tokens( self.script_flag_true );
// stay off unless all the flags are false
foreach ( token in tokens )
if ( flag( token ) )
true_on = true;
false_on = true;
if ( isdefined( self.script_flag_false ) )
tokens = create_flags_and_return_tokens( self.script_flag_false );
// stay off unless all the flags are false
foreach ( token in tokens )
if ( flag( token ) )
false_on = false;
[[ level.trigger_func[ true_on && false_on ] ]]();
create_flags_and_return_tokens( flags )
tokens = strtok( flags, " " );
// create the flag if level script does not
for ( i = 0; i < tokens.size; i++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.flag[ tokens[ i ] ] ) )
flag_init( tokens[ i ] );
return tokens;
level.trigger_flags = [];
level.trigger_func[ true ] = ::trigger_on;
level.trigger_func[ false ] = ::trigger_off;
"Name: getstruct( <name> , <type> )"
"Summary: get a struct by target, targetname,script_noteworthy, or script_linkname types, must be called after maps\_load::main();"
"Module: Struct"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <name>: name of key"
"MandatoryArg: <type>: key type"
"Example: position = getstruct("waypoint1","targetname");
"SPMP: both"
getstruct( name, type )
assertex( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ), "Did not fill in name and type" );
assertEx( isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "Tried to getstruct before the structs were init" );
array = level.struct_class_names[ type ][ name ];
if ( !isdefined( array ) )
return undefined;
if ( array.size > 1 )
assertMsg( "getstruct used for more than one struct of type " + type + " called " + name + "." );
return undefined;
return array[ 0 ];
"Name: getstructarray( <name> , <type )"
"Summary: gets an array of script_structs"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <name> : "
"MandatoryArg: <type> : "
"Example: fxemitters = getstructarray( "streetlights", "targetname" )"
"SPMP: both"
getstructarray( name, type )
assertEx( isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "Tried to getstruct before the structs were init" );
array = level.struct_class_names[ type ][ name ];
if ( !isdefined( array ) )
return [];
return array;
assertEx( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "level.struct_class_names is being initialized in the wrong place! It shouldn't be initialized yet." );
level.struct_class_names = [];
level.struct_class_names[ "target" ] = [];
level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ] = [];
level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ] = [];
level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ] = [];
foreach ( struct in level.struct )
if ( isdefined( struct.targetname ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ] ) )
level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ] = [];
size = level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ].size;
level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ][ size ] = struct;
if ( isdefined( struct.target ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ struct.target ] ) )
level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ struct.target ] = [];
size = level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ struct.target ].size;
level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ struct.target ][ size ] = struct;
if ( isdefined( struct.script_noteworthy ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ] ) )
level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ] = [];
size = level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ].size;
level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ][ size ] = struct;
if ( isdefined( struct.script_linkname ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ] ) )
level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ] = [];
size = level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ].size;
level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ][ 0 ] = struct;
fileprint_start( file )
filename = file;
level.fileprint = 1;
level.fileprintlinecount = 0;
level.fileprint_filename = filename;
"Name: fileprint_map_start( <filename> )"
"Summary: starts map export with the file trees\cod3\cod3\map_source\xenon_export\ < filename > .map adds header / worldspawn entity to the map. Use this if you want to start a .map export."
"Module: Fileprint"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <param1> : "
"OptionalArg: <param2> : "
"Example: fileprint_map_start( filename );"
"SPMP: both"
// for the entity count
level.fileprint_mapentcount = 0;
fileprint_map_header( true );
fileprint_map_header( bInclude_blank_worldspawn )
if ( !isdefined( bInclude_blank_worldspawn ) )
bInclude_blank_worldspawn = false;
fileprint_launcher( "iwmap 6" );
fileprint_launcher( "\"000_Global\" flags active" );
fileprint_launcher( "\"The Map\" flags" );
if ( !bInclude_blank_worldspawn )
fileprint_map_keypairprint( "classname", "worldspawn" );
"Name: fileprint_map_keypairprint( <key> , <value> )"
"Summary: prints a pair of keys to the current open map( by fileprint_map_start() )"
"Module: Fileprint"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <key> : "
"MandatoryArg: <value> : "
"Example: fileprint_map_keypairprint( "classname", "script_model" );"
"SPMP: both"
fileprint_map_keypairprint( key1, key2 )
fileprint_launcher( "\"" + key1 + "\" \"" + key2 + "\"" );
"Name: fileprint_map_entity_start()"
"Summary: prints entity number and opening bracket to currently opened file"
"Module: Fileprint"
"CallOn: Level"
"Example: fileprint_map_entity_start();"
"SPMP: both"
assert( isdefined( level.fileprint_mapentcount ), "need to start a map with fileprint_map_start() first" );
assert( !isdefined( level.fileprint_entitystart ) );
level.fileprint_entitystart = true;
fileprint_launcher( "entity " + level.fileprint_mapentcount );
fileprint_launcher( "{" );
"Name: fileprint_map_entity_end()"
"Summary: close brackets an entity, required for the next entity to begin"
"Module: Fileprint"
"CallOn: Level"
"Example: fileprint_map_entity_end();"
"SPMP: both"
fileprint_launcher( "}" );
level.fileprint_entitystart = undefined;
"Name: fileprint_radiant_vec( <vector> )"
"Summary: this converts a vector to a .map file readable format"
"Module: Fileprint"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <vector> : "
"Example: origin_string = fileprint_radiant_vec( vehicle.angles )"
"SPMP: both"
fileprint_radiant_vec( vector )
string = "" + vector[ 0 ] + " " + vector[ 1 ] + " " + vector[ 2 ] + "";
return string;
"Name: array_remove( <ents> , <remover> )"
"Summary: Returns < ents > array minus < remover > "
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <ents> : array to remove < remover > from"
"MandatoryArg: <remover> : entity to remove from the array"
"Example: ents = array_remove( ents, guy );"
"SPMP: both"
array_remove( ents, remover )
newents = [];
foreach( ent in ents )
if ( ent != remover )
newents[ newents.size ] = ent;
return newents;
"Name: array_remove_array( <ents> , <remover_array> )"
"Summary: Returns <ents> array minus any element in <remover_array>"
"Module: Array"
"MandatoryArg: <ents> : array to remove <remover_array> from"
"MandatoryArg: <remover_array> : array to remove from the <ents>"
"Example: ents = array_remove_array( ents, guys_to_remove );"
"SPMP: both"
array_remove_array( ents, remover_array )
foreach( remover in remover_array )
ents = array_remove( ents, remover );
return ents;
"Name: array_removeUndefined( <array> )"
"Summary: Returns a new array of < array > minus the undefined indicies"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : The array to search for undefined indicies in."
"Example: ents = array_removeUndefined( ents );"
"SPMP: both"
array_removeUndefined( array )
newArray = [];
foreach ( i, item in array )
if ( !IsDefined( item ) )
newArray[ newArray.size ] = item;
return newArray;
"Name: array_remove_duplicates( <array> )"
"Summary: Returns array with unique entries. Ignores and consequently removes undefined entries."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array>: Array to modify"
"Example: ai_left = array_remove_duplicates( ai_array );"
"SPMP: both"
array_remove_duplicates( array )
array_unique = [];
foreach ( item in array )
if ( !IsDefined( item ) )
keep = true;
foreach ( _item in array_unique )
if ( item == _item )
keep = false;
if ( keep )
array_unique[ array_unique.size ] = item;
return array_unique;
"Name: array_levelthread( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Threads the < process > function for every entity in the < entities > array. The level calls the function and each entity of the array is passed as the first parameter to the process."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a script function"
"OptionalArg: <var1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"Example: array_levelthread( getentarray( "palm", "targetname" ), ::palmTrees );"
"SPMP: both"
array_levelthread( array, process, var1, var2, var3 )
if ( isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2, var3 );
if ( isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2 );
if ( isdefined( var1 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1 );
foreach ( ent in array )
thread [[ process ]]( ent );
"Name: array_levelcall( <entities> , <process> , <var1> , <var2> , <var3> )"
"Summary: Calls the < process > function for every entity in the < entities > array. The level calls the function and each entity of the array is passed as the first parameter to the process."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <entities> : array of entities to thread the process"
"MandatoryArg: <process> : pointer to a code function"
"OptionalArg: <var1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <var3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"Example: array_levelthread( array_of_trees, ::palmTrees );"
"SPMP: both"
array_levelcall( array, process, var1, var2, var3 )
if ( isdefined( var3 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2, var3 );
if ( isdefined( var2 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2 );
if ( isdefined( var1 ) )
foreach ( ent in array )
call [[ process ]]( ent, var1 );
foreach ( ent in array )
call [[ process ]]( ent );
"Name: add_to_array( <array> , <ent> )"
"Summary: Adds < ent > to < array > and returns the new array."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : The array to add < ent > to."
"MandatoryArg: <ent> : The entity to be added."
"Example: nodes = add_to_array( nodes, new_node );"
"SPMP: both"
add_to_array( array, ent )
if ( !isdefined( ent ) )
return array;
if ( !isdefined( array ) )
array[ 0 ] = ent;
array[ array.size ] = ent;
return array;
"Name: flag_assert( <msg> )"
"Summary: Asserts that a flag is clear. Useful for proving an assumption of a flag's state"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <msg>: flag name"
"Example: flag_assert( "fairground_begins" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_assert( msg )
assertEx( !flag( msg ), "Flag " + msg + " set too soon!" );
"Name: flag_wait_either( <flagname1> , <flagname2> )"
"Summary: Waits until either of the the specified flags are set."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1> : name of one flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname2> : name of the other flag to wait on"
"Example: flag_wait( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_either( flag1, flag2 )
for ( ;; )
if ( flag( flag1 ) )
if ( flag( flag2 ) )
level waittill_either( flag1, flag2 );
"Name: flag_wait_either_return( <flagname1> , <flagname2> )"
"Summary: Waits until either of the the specified flags are set, and returns the first one it found."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1> : name of one flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname2> : name of the other flag to wait on"
"Example: flag_wait_either_return( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_either_return( flag1, flag2 )
for ( ;; )
if ( flag( flag1 ) )
return flag1;
if ( flag( flag2 ) )
return flag2;
msg = level waittill_any_return( flag1, flag2 );
return msg;
"Name: flag_wait_any( <flagname1> , <flagname2>, <flagname3> , <flagname4> , <flagname5> , <flagname6> )"
"Summary: Waits until any of the the specified flags are set."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1> : name of a flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname2> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname3> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname4> : name of a flag to wait on"
"Example: flag_wait_any( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_any( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 )
array = [];
if ( isdefined( flag6 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
array[ array.size ] = flag4;
array[ array.size ] = flag5;
array[ array.size ] = flag6;
else if ( isdefined( flag5 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
array[ array.size ] = flag4;
array[ array.size ] = flag5;
else if ( isdefined( flag4 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
array[ array.size ] = flag4;
else if ( isdefined( flag3 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
else if ( isdefined( flag2 ) )
flag_wait_either( flag1, flag2 );
assertmsg( "flag_wait_any() needs at least 2 flags passed to it" );
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ )
if ( flag( array[ i ] ) )
level waittill_any( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 );
"Name: flag_wait_any_return( <flagname1> , <flagname2>, <flagname3> , <flagname4> , <flagname5> )"
"Summary: Waits until any of the the specified flags are set, and returns the first set flag that was found."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1> : name of a flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname2> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname3> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname4> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname5> : name of a flag to wait on"
"Example: returned = flag_wait_any_return( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_any_return( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5 )
array = [];
if ( isdefined( flag5 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
array[ array.size ] = flag4;
array[ array.size ] = flag5;
else if ( isdefined( flag4 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
array[ array.size ] = flag4;
else if ( isdefined( flag3 ) )
array[ array.size ] = flag1;
array[ array.size ] = flag2;
array[ array.size ] = flag3;
else if ( isdefined( flag2 ) )
msg = flag_wait_either_return( flag1, flag2 );
return msg;
assertmsg( "flag_wait_any_return() needs at least 2 flags passed to it" );
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ )
if ( flag( array[ i ] ) )
return array[ i ];
msg = level waittill_any_return( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5 );
return msg;
"Name: flag_wait_all( <flagname1> , <flagname2>, <flagname3> , <flagname4> )"
"Summary: Waits until all of the the specified flags are set."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1> : name of a flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <flagname2> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname3> : name of a flag to wait on"
"OptionalArg: <flagname4> : name of a flag to wait on"
"Example: flag_wait_any( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_all( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 )
if ( isdefined( flag1 ) )
flag_wait( flag1 );
if ( isdefined( flag2 ) )
flag_wait( flag2 );
if ( isdefined( flag3 ) )
flag_wait( flag3 );
if ( isdefined( flag4 ) )
flag_wait( flag4 );
"Name: flag_wait_or_timeout( <flagname> , <timer> )"
"Summary: Waits until either the flag gets set or the timer elapses."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1: Name of one flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <timer> : Amount of time to wait before continuing regardless of flag."
"Example: flag_wait_or_timeout( "time_to_go", 3 );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_wait_or_timeout( flagname, timer )
timerMS = timer * 1000;
start_time = GetTime();
for ( ;; )
if ( flag( flagname ) )
if ( GetTime() >= start_time + timerMS )
timeRemaining = timerMS - ( GetTime() - start_time ); // figure out how long we waited already, if at all
timeRemainingSecs = timeRemaining / 1000;
wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timeRemainingSecs );
"Name: flag_waitopen_or_timeout( <flagname> , <timer> )"
"Summary: Waits until either the flag gets cleared or the timer elapses."
"Module: Flag"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <flagname1: Name of one flag to wait on"
"MandatoryArg: <timer> : Amount of time to wait before continuing regardless of flag."
"Example: flag_waitopen_or_timeout( "time_to_go", 3 );"
"SPMP: both"
flag_waitopen_or_timeout( flagname, timer )
start_time = gettime();
for ( ;; )
if ( !flag( flagname ) )
if ( gettime() >= start_time + timer * 1000 )
wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer );
wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer )
level endon( flagname );
wait( timer );
"Name: delayCall( <delay> , <function> , <arg1> , <arg2> , <arg3> )"
"Summary: delayCall is cool! It saves you from having to write extra script for once off commands. Note you don?t have to thread it off. delaycall is that smart!"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <delay> : The delay before the function occurs"
"MandatoryArg: <function> : The function to run."
"OptionalArg: <arg1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg4> : parameter 4 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg5> : parameter 5 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg6> : parameter 6 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg7> : parameter 7 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg8> : parameter 8 to pass to the process"
"Example: delayCall( ::flag_set, "player_can_rappel", 3 );"
"SPMP: both"
delayCall( timer, func, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8 )
// to thread it off
thread delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8 );
delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8 )
if ( isSP() )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_delay_call" );
wait( timer );
if ( isdefined( param8 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8 );
if ( isdefined( param7 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7 );
if ( isdefined( param6 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6 );
if ( isdefined( param5 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4, param5 );
if ( isdefined( param4 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 );
if ( isdefined( param3 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 );
if ( isdefined( param2 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2 );
if ( isdefined( param1 ) )
self call [[ func ]]( param1 );
self call [[ func ]]();
"Name: noself_delayCall( <delay> , <function> , <arg1> , <arg2> , <arg3>, <arg4> )"
"Summary: Calls a command with no self (some commands don't support having self)."
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <delay> : The delay before the function occurs"
"MandatoryArg: <function> : The function to run."
"OptionalArg: <arg1> : parameter 1 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg2> : parameter 2 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg3> : parameter 3 to pass to the process"
"OptionalArg: <arg4> : parameter 4 to pass to the process"
"Example: noself_delayCall( ::setsaveddvar, "player_can_rappel", 1 );"
"SPMP: both"
noself_delayCall( timer, func, param1, param2, param3, param4 )
// to thread it off
thread noself_delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 );
noself_delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 )
wait( timer );
if ( isdefined( param4 ) )
call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 );
if ( isdefined( param3 ) )
call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 );
if ( isdefined( param2 ) )
call [[ func ]]( param1, param2 );
if ( isdefined( param1 ) )
call [[ func ]]( param1 );
call [[ func ]]();
"Name: isSP()"
"Summary: Returns false if the level name begins with mp_"
"Module: Utility"
"Example: if ( isSP() );"
"SPMP: both"
if ( !isdefined( level.isSP ) )
level.isSP = !( string_starts_with( getdvar( "mapname" ), "mp_" ) );
return level.isSP;
"Name: isSP_TowerDefense()"
"Summary: Returns true if the level name begins with so_td_"
"Module: Utility"
"Example: if ( isSP_TowerDefense() );"
"SPMP: both"
if ( !isdefined( level.isSP_TowerDefense ) )
level.isSP_TowerDefense = string_starts_with( getdvar( "mapname" ), "so_td_" );
return level.isSP_TowerDefense;
"Name: string_starts_with( <string>, <start> )"
"Summary: Returns true if the first string begins with the first string"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <string> String to check"
"MandatoryArg: <start> Beginning of string to check"
"Example: if ( string_starts_with( "somestring", "somest" ) )"
"SPMP: both"
string_starts_with( string, start )
assert( isdefined( string ) );
assert( isdefined( start ) );
if ( string.size < start.size )
return false;
for ( i = 0 ; i < start.size ; i++ )
if ( tolower( string[ i ] ) != tolower( start[ i ] ) )
return false;
return true;
plot_points( plotpoints, r, g, b, timer )
lastpoint = plotpoints[ 0 ];
if ( !isdefined( r ) )
r = 1;
if ( !isdefined( g ) )
g = 1;
if ( !isdefined( b ) )
b = 1;
if ( !isdefined( timer ) )
timer = 0.05;
for ( i = 1;i < plotpoints.size;i++ )
thread draw_line_for_time( lastpoint, plotpoints[ i ], r, g, b, timer );
lastpoint = plotpoints[ i ];
"Name: draw_line_for_time( <org1> , <org2> , <r> , <g> , <b> , <timer> )"
"Summary: Draws a line from < org1 > to < org2 > in the specified color for the specified duration"
"Module: Debug"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <org1> : starting origin for the line"
"MandatoryArg: <org2> : ending origin for the line"
"MandatoryArg: <r> : red color value( 0 to 1 )"
"MandatoryArg: <g> : green color value( 0 to 1 )"
"MandatoryArg: <b> : blue color value( 0 to 1 )"
"MandatoryArg: <timer> : time in seconds the line should last"
"Example: thread draw_line_for_time( level.player.origin, vehicle.origin, 1, 0, 0, 10.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
draw_line_for_time( org1, org2, r, g, b, timer )
timer = gettime() + ( timer * 1000 );
while ( gettime() < timer )
line( org1, org2, ( r, g, b ), 1 );
wait .05;
"Name: table_combine( <table1> , <table2> )"
"Summary: Combines the two tables and returns the resulting table with keys preserved. This function does not allow duplicate keys."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <table1> : first table"
"MandatoryArg: <table2> : second table"
"Example: combinedTable = table_combine( table1, table2 );"
"SPMP: both"
table_combine( table1, table2 )
table3 = [];
foreach ( key, item in table1 )
table3[key] = item;
foreach ( key, item in table2 )
assert( table3[key] == undefined );
table3[key] = item;
return table3;
"Name: array_combine( <array1> , <array2> )"
"Summary: Combines the two arrays and returns the resulting array. This function doesn't care if it produces duplicates in the array."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array1> : first array"
"MandatoryArg: <array2> : second array"
"Example: combinedArray = array_combine( array1, array2 );"
"SPMP: both"
array_combine( array1, array2 )
array3 = [];
foreach ( item in array1 )
array3[ array3.size ] = item;
foreach ( item in array2 )
array3[ array3.size ] = item;
return array3;
"Name: array_combine_non_integer_indices( <array1> , <array2> )"
"Summary: Combines the two arrays and returns the resulting array. This function doesn't care if it produces duplicates in the array."
"Summary: This is meant to be used on arrays with non-integer indices (guys_at["flag_a"] = 5, for example). All indices must be unique"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array1> : first array"
"MandatoryArg: <array2> : second array"
"Example: combinedArray = array_combine_non_integer_indices( array1, array2 );"
"SPMP: both"
array_combine_non_integer_indices( array1, array2 )
array3 = [];
foreach( index, item in array1 )
array3[index] = item;
foreach( index, item in array2 )
array3[index] = item;
return array3;
"Name: array_randomize( <array> )"
"Summary: Randomizes the array and returns the new array."
"Summary: Will not work on an array that does not have integer indices. For example: array["allies"] = 2"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array to be randomized."
"Example: roof_nodes = array_randomize( roof_nodes );"
"SPMP: both"
array_randomize( array )
for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ )
j = RandomInt( array.size );
temp = array[ i ];
array[ i ] = array[ j ];
array[ j ] = temp;
return array;
"Name: array_add( <array> , <ent> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: singleplayer"
array_add( array, ent )
array[ array.size ] = ent;
return array;
"Name: array_insert( <array> , <object> , <index> )"
"Summary: Returns a new array of < array > plus < object > at the specified index"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : The array to add to."
"MandatoryArg: <object> : The entity to add"
"MandatoryArg: <index> : The index position < object > should be added to."
"Example: ai = array_insert( ai, spawned, 0 );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
array_insert( array, object, index )
if ( index == array.size )
temp = array;
temp[ temp.size ] = object;
return temp;
temp = [];
offset = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ )
if ( i == index )
temp[ i ] = object;
offset = 1;
temp[ i + offset ] = array[ i ];
return temp;
"Name: array_contains( <array> , <compare> )"
"Summary: Checks whether an item is in the array or not."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array>: The array to search."
"MandatoryArg: <compare>: The item to see if it exists in the array"
"Example: if( array_contains( array, important_item ) )"
"SPMP: both"
array_contains( array, compare )
if ( array.size <= 0 )
return false;
foreach ( member in array )
if ( member == compare )
return true;
return false;
"Name: array_find( <array> , <item> )"
"Summary: Searches for the first occurrence of item in array and returns the key. Returns undefined if not found"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : array to search"
"MandatoryArg: <item> : item to search for"
"Example: founditem = array_find( array, item );"
"SPMP: both"
array_find( array, item )
foreach (idx, test in array)
if (test == item)
return idx;
return undefined;
"Name: flat_angle( <angle> )"
"Summary: Returns the specified angle as a flat angle.( 45, 90, 30 ) becomes( 0, 90, 30 ). Useful if you just need an angle around Y - axis."
"Module: Vector"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <angle> : angles to flatten"
"Example: yaw = flat_angle( node.angles );"
"SPMP: both"
flat_angle( angle )
rangle = ( 0, angle[ 1 ], 0 );
return rangle;
"Name: flat_origin( <org> )"
"Summary: Returns a flat origin of the specified origin. Moves Z corrdinate to 0.( x, y, z ) becomes( x, y, 0 )"
"Module: Vector"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <org> : origin to flatten"
"Example: org = flat_origin( self.origin );"
"SPMP: both"
flat_origin( org )
rorg = ( org[ 0 ], org[ 1 ], 0 );
return rorg;
"Name: draw_arrow_time( <start> , <end> , <color> , <duration> )"
"Summary: Draws an arrow pointing at < end > in the specified color for < duration > seconds."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <start> : starting coordinate for the arrow"
"MandatoryArg: <end> : ending coordinate for the arrow"
"MandatoryArg: <color> :( r, g, b ) color array for the arrow"
"MandatoryArg: <duration> : time in seconds to draw the arrow"
"Example: thread draw_arrow_time( lasttarg.origin, targ.origin, ( 0, 0, 1 ), 5.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
draw_arrow_time( start, end, color, duration )
level endon( "newpath" );
pts = [];
angles = vectortoangles( start - end );
right = anglestoright( angles );
forward = anglestoforward( angles );
up = anglestoup( angles );
dist = distance( start, end );
arrow = [];
range = 0.1;
arrow[ 0 ] = start;
arrow[ 1 ] = start + ( right * ( dist * range ) ) + ( forward * ( dist * - 0.1 ) );
arrow[ 2 ] = end;
arrow[ 3 ] = start + ( right * ( dist * ( -1 * range ) ) ) + ( forward * ( dist * - 0.1 ) );
arrow[ 4 ] = start;
arrow[ 5 ] = start + ( up * ( dist * range ) ) + ( forward * ( dist * - 0.1 ) );
arrow[ 6 ] = end;
arrow[ 7 ] = start + ( up* (dist * ( -1 * range ) )) + ( forward*( dist * - 0.1) );
arrow[ 8 ] = start;
r = color[ 0 ];
g = color[ 1 ];
b = color[ 2 ];
plot_points( arrow, r, g, b, duration );
"Name: get_linked_ents()"
"Summary: Returns an array of entities that SELF is linked to"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity that links to other entities"
"Example: spawners = heli get_linked_ents()"
"SPMP: both"
array = [];
if ( isdefined( self.script_linkto ) )
linknames = get_links();
foreach ( name in linknames )
entities = getentarray( name, "script_linkname" );
if ( entities.size > 0 )
array = array_combine( array, entities );
return array;
"Name: get_linked_vehicle_nodes()"
"Summary: Returns an array of vehicle node that SELF is linked to"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity that links to vehicle nodes"
"Example: nodes = tank get_linked_vehicle_nodes()"
"SPMP: both"
array = [];
if ( IsDefined( self.script_linkto ) )
linknames = get_links();
foreach ( name in linknames )
entities = GetVehicleNodeArray( name, "script_linkname" );
if ( entities.size > 0 )
array = array_combine( array, entities );
return array;
"Name: get_linked_ent()"
"Summary: Returns a single entity that SELF is linked to"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity that links to another entity"
"Example: spawner = heli get_linked_ent()"
"SPMP: both"
array = get_linked_ents();
assert( array.size == 1 );
assert( isdefined( array[ 0 ] ) );
return array[ 0 ];
"Name: get_linked_vehicle_node()"
"Summary: Returns a single vehicle node that SELF is linked to"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity that links to one vehicle node"
"Example: node = tank get_linked_vehicle_node()"
"SPMP: both"
array = get_linked_vehicle_nodes();
assert( array.size == 1 );
assert( isdefined( array[ 0 ] ) );
return array[ 0 ];
"Name: get_links( <get_links> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
return strtok( self.script_linkTo, " " );
"Name: run_thread_on_targetname( <msg> , <func> , <param1> , <param2> , <param3> )"
"Summary: Runs the specified thread on any entity with that targetname"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <msg>: The targetname"
"MandatoryArg: <func>: The function"
"OptionalArg: <param1>: Optional argument"
"OptionalArg: <param2>: Optional argument"
"OptionalArg: <param3>: Optional argument"
"Example: run_thread_on_targetname( "chopper_guys", ::add_spawn_function, ::chopper_guys_land );"
"SPMP: both"
run_thread_on_targetname( msg, func, param1, param2, param3 )
array = getentarray( msg, "targetname" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = getstructarray( msg, "targetname" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = call [[ level.getNodeArrayFunction ]]( msg, "targetname" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = getvehiclenodearray( msg, "targetname" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
"Name: run_thread_on_noteworthy( <msg> , <func> , <param1> , <param2> , <param3> )"
"Summary: Runs the specified thread on any entity with that noteworthy"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <msg>: The noteworthy"
"MandatoryArg: <func>: The function"
"OptionalArg: <param1>: Optional argument"
"OptionalArg: <param2>: Optional argument"
"OptionalArg: <param3>: Optional argument"
"Example: run_thread_on_noteworthy( "chopper_guys", ::add_spawn_function, ::chopper_guys_land );"
"SPMP: both"
run_thread_on_noteworthy( msg, func, param1, param2, param3 )
array = getentarray( msg, "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = getstructarray( msg, "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = call [[ level.getNodeArrayFunction ]]( msg, "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
array = getvehiclenodearray( msg, "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 );
"Name: draw_arrow( <start> , <end> , <color> )"
"Summary: Draws an arrow pointing at < end > in the specified color for < duration > seconds."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <start> : starting coordinate for the arrow"
"MandatoryArg: <end> : ending coordinate for the arrow"
"MandatoryArg: <color> :( r, g, b ) color array for the arrow"
"Example: draw_arrow( lasttarg.origin, targ.origin, ( 0, 0, 1 ));"
"SPMP: both"
draw_arrow( start, end, color )
level endon( "newpath" );
pts = [];
angles = vectortoangles( start - end );
right = anglestoright( angles );
forward = anglestoforward( angles );
dist = distance( start, end );
arrow = [];
range = 0.05;
arrow[ 0 ] = start;
arrow[ 1 ] = start + ( right * ( dist * ( range ) ) ) + ( forward * ( dist * - 0.2 ) );
arrow[ 2 ] = end;
arrow[ 3 ] = start + ( right * ( dist * ( -1 * range ) ) ) + ( forward * ( dist * - 0.2 ) );
for ( p = 0;p < 4;p++ )
nextpoint = p + 1;
if ( nextpoint >= 4 )
nextpoint = 0;
line( arrow[ p ], arrow[ nextpoint ], color, 1.0 );
"Name: draw_entity_bounds( <ent> , <timeSec> , <color>, <dynamic>, <dynamic_update_time> )"
"Summary: Draws the bounding box of an entity."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <ent> : entity to draw bounding box around"
"MandatoryArg: <timeSec> : amount of time in seconds to draw the box"
"OptionalArg: <color> :( r, g, b ) color array for the box, default is green"
"OptionalArg: <dynamic>: update the box if the entity moves - more expensive, default is false which assumes a static entity"
"OptionalArg: <dynamic_update_time_sec>: amount of time to wait between dynamic updates, default is lowest 0.05 seconds - set higher if framerate suffers"
"Example: draw_entity_bounds( enemy, num_seconds, ( 0, 0, 1 ), true, 0.2 );"
"SPMP: both"
draw_entity_bounds( ent, time_sec, color, dynamic, dynamic_update_time_sec )
Assert( IsDefined( ent ) );
Assert( time_sec > 0 );
if ( !IsDefined( color ) )
color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
if ( !IsDefined( dynamic ) )
dynamic = false;
if ( !IsDefined( dynamic_update_time_sec ) )
dynamic_update_time_sec = 0.05;
if ( dynamic )
num_frames = int( dynamic_update_time_sec / 0.05 );
num_frames = int( time_sec / 0.05 );
points_side_1 = [];
points_side_2 = [];
current = GetTime();
end = current + ( time_sec * 1000 );
while ( current < end && IsDefined( ent ) )
points_side_1[0] = ent GetPointInBounds( 1, 1, 1 );
points_side_1[1] = ent GetPointInBounds( 1, 1, -1 );
points_side_1[2] = ent GetPointInBounds( -1, 1, -1 );
points_side_1[3] = ent GetPointInBounds( -1, 1, 1 );
points_side_2[0] = ent GetPointInBounds( 1, -1, 1 );
points_side_2[1] = ent GetPointInBounds( 1, -1, -1 );
points_side_2[2] = ent GetPointInBounds( -1, -1, -1 );
points_side_2[3] = ent GetPointInBounds( -1, -1, 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
j = i + 1;
if ( j == 4 )
j = 0;
Line( points_side_1[i], points_side_1[j], color, 1, false, num_frames );
Line( points_side_2[i], points_side_2[j], color, 1, false, num_frames );
Line( points_side_1[i], points_side_2[i], color, 1, false, num_frames );
if ( !dynamic )
wait dynamic_update_time_sec;
current = GetTime();
draw_volume( volume, time_sec, color, dynamic, dynamic_update_time_sec )
draw_entity_bounds( volume, time_sec, color, dynamic, dynamic_update_time_sec );
draw_trigger( trigger, time_sec, color, dynamic, dynamic_update_time_sec )
draw_entity_bounds( trigger, time_sec, color, dynamic, dynamic_update_time_sec );
"Name: getfx( <fx> )"
"Summary: Gets the associated level._effect"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <fx>: The effect"
"Example: playfx ( getfx( "heli_dust_default" ), eOrgFx.origin + offset ); "
"SPMP: both"
getfx( fx )
assertEx( isdefined( level._effect[ fx ] ), "Fx " + fx + " is not defined in level._effect." );
return level._effect[ fx ];
"Name: fxExists( <fx> )"
"Summary: Returns whether or not an fx exists"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <fx>: The effect"
"Example: if ( fxExists( "blah" ) )"
"SPMP: both"
fxExists( fx )
return isdefined( level._effect[ fx ] );
print_csv_asset( asset, type )
fileline = type + "," + asset;
if ( isdefined( level.csv_lines[ fileline ] ) )
level.csv_lines[ fileline ] = true;
// fileprint_chk( level.fileprint, fileline );
fileprint_csv_start( file )
file = "scriptgen/" + file + ".csv";
level.csv_lines = [];
"Name: getLastWeapon( <getLastWeapon> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
assert( isDefined( self.saved_lastWeapon ) );
return self.saved_lastWeapon;
"Name: PlayerUnlimitedAmmoThread()"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
if ( !isdefined( self ) || self == level || self.code_classname != "player" )
player = level.player;
player = self;
assert( isdefined( player ) );
while ( 1 )
wait .5;
if ( getdvar( "UnlimitedAmmoOff" ) == "1" )
currentWeapon = player getCurrentWeapon();
if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
currentAmmo = player GetFractionMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
if ( currentAmmo < 0.2 )
player GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
currentoffhand = player GetCurrentOffhand();
if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
currentAmmo = player GetFractionMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
if ( currentAmmo < 0.4 )
player GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
return ( !self.disabledUsability );
if( !IsDefined(self.disabledUsability) )
self.disabledUsability = 0;
self DisableUsability();
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledUsability ) )
self.disabledUsability = 0;
// when disabledUsability == 0, the player is enabled
// don't let the count ever go negative, because it doesn't make sense
else if ( self.disabledUsability > 0 )
if ( self.disabledUsability == 0 )
self EnableUsability();
self.disabledUsability = 0;
self EnableUsability();
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledWeapon ) )
self.disabledWeapon = 0;
self disableWeapons();
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledWeapon ) )
self.disabledWeapon = 0;
assert( self.disabledWeapon >= 0 );
if ( !self.disabledWeapon )
self enableWeapons();
return ( !self.disabledWeapon );
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledWeaponSwitch ) )
self.disabledWeaponSwitch = 0;
self disableWeaponSwitch();
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledWeaponSwitch ) )
self.disabledWeaponSwitch = 0;
assert( self.disabledWeaponSwitch >= 0 );
if ( !self.disabledWeaponSwitch )
self enableWeaponSwitch();
return ( !self.disabledWeaponSwitch );
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledOffhandWeapons ) )
self.disabledOffhandWeapons = 0;
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
if ( !IsDefined( self.disabledOffhandWeapons ) )
self.disabledOffhandWeapons = 0;
assert( self.disabledOffhandWeapons >= 0 );
if ( !self.disabledOffhandWeapons )
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
return ( !self.disabledOffhandWeapons );
"Name: random( <array> )"
"Summary: chose a random element of an array"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"Example: select_spot = random( array );"
"SPMP: both"
random( array )
// process the array so it'll work with any string index arrays and arrays with missing entries.
newarray = [];
foreach ( index, value in array )
newarray[ newarray.size ] = value;
if ( !newarray.size )
return undefined;
return newarray[ randomint( newarray.size ) ];
"Name: random_weight_sorted( <array> )"
"Summary: chose a random element of an array tending to pick items closer to element 0"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"Example: random_node_near_me = random_weight_sorted( closest_nodes_sorted_by_distance );"
"SPMP: both"
random_weight_sorted( array )
// process the array so it'll work with any string index arrays and arrays with missing entries.
newarray = [];
foreach ( index, value in array )
newarray[ newarray.size ] = value;
if ( !newarray.size )
return undefined;
rndSizeSq = randomint( newarray.size * newarray.size );
return newarray[ ( newarray.size - 1 ) - int( sqrt( rndSizeSq ) ) ];
"Name: spawn_tag_origin()"
"Summary: Spawn a script model with tag_origin model. If called on an entity, uses origin/angles of called on entity"
"Module: Utility"
"Example: ent = spawn_tag_origin();"
"SPMP: both"
tag_origin = spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
tag_origin setmodel( "tag_origin" );
tag_origin hide();
if ( isdefined( self.origin ) )
tag_origin.origin = self.origin;
if ( isdefined( self.angles ) )
tag_origin.angles = self.angles;
return tag_origin;
"Name: waittill_notify_or_timeout( <msg> , <timer> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
"Name: waittill_notify_or_timeout_return( <msg> , <timer> )"
"Summary: returns the string 'timeout' if the timer elapses"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <msg>: the notify to wait for"
"OptionalArg: <timer>: the amount of time in seconds to wait before timing out"
"Example: self waittill_notify_or_timeout_return( "death", 5.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
waittill_notify_or_timeout_return( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
return "timeout";
"Name: fileprint_launcher_start_file()"
"Summary: Tells Launcher to start storing text to a file. Use in conjunction with fileprint_launcher() and fileprint_launcher_end_file() to append to that file and then instruct launcher to write the file."
"Module: Print"
"CallOn: Level"
"Example: fileprint_launcher_start_file();"
"SPMP: both"
AssertEx( ! isdefined( level.fileprint_launcher ), "Can't open more than one file at a time to print through launcher." );
level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0;
level.fileprint_launcher = true;
fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTSTARTFILE:" );
"Name: fileprint_launcher( <string> )"
"Summary: Tell launcher to append text to current open file created by fileprint_launcher_start_file(), to be closed and written with fileprint_launcher_end_file() "
"Module: Print"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"Example: fileprint_launcher( "main()" );"
"SPMP: both"
fileprint_launcher( string )
assert( isdefined( level.fileprintlauncher_linecount ) );
if( level.fileprintlauncher_linecount > 200 )
wait .05;
level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0;
println( "LAUNCHERPRINTLN:" + string );
"Name: fileprint_launcher_end_file( <file_relative_to_game> , <bIsPerforceEnabled> )"
"Summary: Tell launcher to write out Text that has been started and appended to using fileprint_launcher_start_file() and fileprint_launcher(). you must end a file before you can start a new one."
"Module: Print"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <file_relative_to_game>: relative to game ( c:\trees\iw5\game )"
"OptionalArg: <bIsPerforceEnabled>: Enabled will tell Perforce to check in the file."
"Example: fileprint_launcher_end_file( "\\share\\raw\\maps\\createart\\\" + level.script + "_art.gsc, true );"
"SPMP: both"
fileprint_launcher_end_file( file_relative_to_game, bIsPerforceEnabled )
if( !isdefined( bIsPerforceEnabled ) )
bIsPerforceEnabled = false;
setDevDvarIfUninitialized("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0");
setDevDvarIfUninitialized("LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS", "0");
if( bIsPerforceEnabled )
fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTENDFILE:GAMEPRINTP4ENABLED:"+file_relative_to_game );
fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTENDFILE:"+file_relative_to_game );
// wait for launcher to tell us that it's done writing the file
TimeOut = gettime()+4000; // give launcher 4 seconds to print the file.
while( getdvarint( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS" ) == 0 && getdvar( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL" ) == "0" && gettime() < TimeOut )
wait .05;
if( ! ( gettime() < TimeOut ) )
iprintlnbold("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL:( TIMEOUT ): launcherconflict? restart launcher and try again? " );
setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0");
level.fileprint_launcher = undefined;
return false;
failvar = getdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL");
if( failvar != "0" )
iprintlnbold("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL:( "+ failvar + " ): launcherconflict? restart launcher and try again? " );
setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0");
level.fileprint_launcher = undefined;
return false;
setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0");
setdevdvar( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS", "0" );
level.fileprint_launcher = undefined;
return true;
"Name: launcher_write_clipboard( <str> )"
"Summary: send a string to your Connected PC's clipboard through launcher"
"Module: Print"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: launcher_write_clipboard( Players_origin_string )"
"SPMP: both"
launcher_write_clipboard( str )
level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0;
fileprint_launcher( "LAUNCHER_CLIP:" + str );
"Name: isDestructible()"
"Summary: returns true if self is a destructible"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"Example: if ( self isDestructible() )"
"SPMP: both"
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
return false;
return isdefined( self.destructible_type );
"Name: pauseEffect( <pauseEffect> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
"Name: activate_individual_exploder()"
"Summary: Activates an individual exploder, rather than all the exploders of a given number"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An exploder"
"Example: exploder activate_individual_exploder();"
"SPMP: both"
wait( 0.05 );
"Name: get_target_ent( <target> )"
"Summary: Returns whatever SINGLE ent is targetted, be it node, struct, or entity"
"Module: Utility"
"OptionalArg: <target>: Optional target override"
"Example: node = guy get_target_ent();"
"SPMP: both"
get_target_ent( target )
if ( !isdefined( target ) )
target = self.target;
AssertEx( IsDefined( target ), "Self had no target!" );
ent = GetEnt( target, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
if ( isSP() )
ent = call [[ level.getNodeFunction ]]( target, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
ent = getstruct( target, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
ent = GetVehicleNode( target, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
AssertMsg( "Tried to get ent " + target + ", but there was no ent." );
"Name: get_noteworthy_ent( <noteworthy> )"
"Summary: Returns whatever SINGLE ent is targetted, be it node, struct, or entity"
"Module: Utility"
"RequiredArg: <noteworthy>: script_noteworthy"
"Example: node = get_noteworthy_ent( "special_node" );"
"SPMP: both"
get_noteworthy_ent( noteworthy )
AssertEx( IsDefined( noteworthy ), "No script_noteworthy provided!" );
ent = GetEnt( noteworthy, "script_noteworthy" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
if ( isSP() )
ent = call [[ level.getNodeFunction ]]( noteworthy, "script_noteworthy" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
ent = getstruct( noteworthy, "script_noteworthy" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
ent = GetVehicleNode( noteworthy, "script_noteworthy" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
return ent;
AssertEx( "Tried to get ent, but there was no ent." );
"Name: do_earthquake( <name> , <origin> )"
"Summary: play an earthquake that is defined by add_earthquake() "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <name>: "
"MandatoryArg: <origin>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: singleplayer"
do_earthquake( name, origin )
eq = level.earthquake[ name ];
Earthquake( eq[ "magnitude" ], eq[ "duration" ], origin, eq[ "radius" ] );
"Name: play_loopsound_in_space( <alias> , <origin> , <master> )"
"Summary: Use the PlayLoopSound command at a position in space. Unrelated to caller."
"Module: Sound"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <alias> : Sound alias to play"
"MandatoryArg: <origin> : Origin of the sound"
"Example: play_loopsound_in_space( "siren", level.speaker.origin );"
"SPMP: both"
play_loopsound_in_space( alias, origin )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( !isdefined( origin ) )
origin = self.origin;
org.origin = origin;
org PlayLoopSound( alias );
return org;
"Name: play_sound_in_space_with_angles( <alias> , <origin> , <angles> , <master>, <shape> )"
"Summary: Play a sound at an origin, unrelated to caller"
"Module: Sound"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <alias> : Sound alias to play"
"MandatoryArg: <origin> : Origin of the sound"
"MandatoryArg: <angles> : Orientation of the sound"
"OptionalArg: <master> : Play this sound as a master sound. Defaults to false"
"OptionalArg: <shape> : Shows a visual represntation for the sound"
"Example: play_sound_in_space_with_angles( "siren", level.speaker.origin, level.speaker.angles );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
play_sound_in_space_with_angles( alias, origin, angles, master )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 1 ) );
if ( !isdefined( origin ) )
origin = self.origin;
org.origin = origin;
org.angles = angles;
if ( isSP() )
if ( IsDefined( master ) && master )
org PlaySoundAsMaster( alias, "sounddone" );
org PlaySound( alias, "sounddone" );
org waittill( "sounddone" );
if ( IsDefined( master ) && master )
org PlaySoundAsMaster( alias );
org PlaySound( alias );
org Delete();
"Name: play_sound_in_space( <alias> , <origin> , <master> )"
"Summary: Play a sound at an origin, unrelated to caller"
"Module: Sound"
"CallOn: Level"
"MandatoryArg: <alias> : Sound alias to play"
"MandatoryArg: <origin> : Origin of the sound"
"OptionalArg: <master> : Play this sound as a master sound. Defaults to false"
"Example: play_sound_in_space( "siren", level.speaker.origin );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
play_sound_in_space( alias, origin, master )
play_sound_in_space_with_angles( alias, origin, (0, 0, 0), master );
loop_fx_sound( alias, origin, culled, ender, createfx_ent )
loop_fx_sound_with_angles( alias, origin, (0, 0, 0), culled, ender, createfx_ent );
loop_fx_sound_with_angles( alias, origin, angles, culled, ender, createfx_ent, shape )
if ( IsDefined( culled ) && culled )
// this is conflicting with restart fx looper. so check for first frame.
//its clear the design of this is meant to never be stopped. we don't need to restart - Nate
//I think some of this might be piggy backed on normal fx too, in which case we want to allow the effect to restart and not the sound.
if ( !IsDefined( level.first_frame ) || level.first_frame == 1 )
SpawnLoopingSound( alias, origin, angles );
if ( level.createFX_enabled && IsDefined( createfx_ent.loopsound_ent ) )
org = createfx_ent.loopsound_ent;
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( IsDefined( ender ) )
thread loop_sound_delete( ender, org );
self endon( ender );
org.origin = origin;
org.angles = angles;
org PlayLoopSound( alias );
if ( level.createFX_enabled )
createfx_ent.loopsound_ent = org;
org willNeverChange();
loop_fx_sound_interval( alias, origin, ender, timeout, delay_min, delay_max )
loop_fx_sound_interval_with_angles( alias, origin, (0, 0, 0), ender, timeout, delay_min, delay_max );
loop_fx_sound_interval_with_angles( alias, origin, angles, ender, timeout, delay_min, delay_max )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( IsDefined( ender ) )
thread loop_sound_delete( ender, org );
self endon( ender );
org.origin = origin;
org.angles = angles;
if( delay_min >= delay_max )
while( true )
Print3d( origin, "delay_min >= delay_max", (1,0,0), 1, 1);
wait .05;
if ( !SoundExists( alias ) )
while( true )
Print3d( origin, "no sound: "+ alias, (1,0,0), 1, 1);
wait .05;
while( true )
wait RandomFloatRange( delay_min, delay_max );
lock( "createfx_looper" );
thread play_sound_in_space_with_angles( alias, org.origin, org.angles, undefined );
unlock( "createfx_looper" );
loop_sound_delete( ender, ent )
ent endon( "death" );
self waittill( ender );
ent Delete();
"Name: createLoopEffect( <fxid> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
createLoopEffect( fxid )
ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "loopfx", fxid );
ent.v[ "delay" ] = common_scripts\_createfx::getLoopEffectDelayDefault();
return ent;
"Name: createOneshotEffect( <fxid> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
createOneshotEffect( fxid )
// uses triggerfx
ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "oneshotfx", fxid );
ent.v[ "delay" ] = common_scripts\_createfx::getOneshotEffectDelayDefault();
return ent;
"Name: createExploder( <fxid> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
createExploder( fxid )
ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "exploder", fxid );
ent.v[ "delay" ] = common_scripts\_createfx::getExploderDelayDefault();
ent.v[ "exploder_type" ] = "normal";
return ent;
"Name: alphabetize( <array> )"
"Summary: "
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
alphabetize( array )
if ( array.size <= 1 )
return array;
count = 0;
for ( asize = array.size - 1; asize >= 1; asize-- )
largest = array[asize];
largestIndex = asize;
for ( i = 0; i < asize; i++ )
string1 = array[ i ];
if ( StrICmp(string1, largest ) > 0 )
largest = string1;
largestIndex = i;
if(largestIndex != asize)
array[largestIndex] = array[asize];
array[asize] = largest;
return array;
is_later_in_alphabet( string1, string2 )
return StrICmp( string1, string2 ) > 0;
"Name: play_loop_sound_on_entity( <alias> , <offset> )"
"Summary: Play loop sound alias on an entity"
"Module: Sound"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <alias> : Sound alias to loop"
"OptionalArg: <offset> : Offset for sound origin relative to the world from the models origin."
"Example: vehicle thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "engine_belt_run" );"
"SPMP: both"
play_loop_sound_on_entity( alias, offset )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org endon( "death" );
thread delete_on_death( org );
if ( IsDefined( offset ) )
org.origin = self.origin + offset;
org.angles = self.angles;
org LinkTo( self );
org.origin = self.origin;
org.angles = self.angles;
org LinkTo( self );
// org endon( "death" );
org PlayLoopSound( alias );
// PrintLn( "playing loop sound ", alias, " on entity at origin ", self.origin, " at ORIGIN ", org.origin );
self waittill( "stop sound" + alias );
org StopLoopSound( alias );
org Delete();
"Name: stop_loop_sound_on_entity( <alias> )"
"Summary: Stop playing the the loop sound alias on an entity"
"Module: Sound"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <alias> : Sound alias to stop looping"
"Example: vehicle thread stop_loop_sound_on_entity( "engine_belt_run" );"
"SPMP: both"
stop_loop_sound_on_entity( alias )
self notify( "stop sound" + alias );
"Name: delete_on_death( <ent> )"
"Summary: Delete the entity when "self" dies."
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <param1>: "
"OptionalArg: <param2>: "
"Example: level.helicopter thread delete_on_death( someRandomScriptOriginThatISpawned );"
"SPMP: both"
delete_on_death( ent )
//self ==> the entity you want to wait to die before deleting the ent
ent endon( "death" );
self waittill( "death" );
if ( IsDefined( ent ) )
ent Delete();
error( msg )
PrintLn( "^c * ERROR * ", msg );
if ( GetDvar( "debug" ) != "1" )
AssertMsg( "This is a forced error - attach the log file. \n" + msg );
"Name: exploder( <num>, <players>, <startTime> )"
"Summary: Sets off the desired exploder"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <num>: The exploder number"
"OptionalArg: <player(s)>: (MP_ONLY) Players to activate exploder for. Defaults to all players."
"OptionalArg: <startTime>: (MP_ONLY) The time at which the exploder should be triggered. This can be in the past."
"Example: exploder( 5 );"
"SPMP: both"
exploder( num, players, startTime )
[[ level._fx.exploderFunction ]]( num, players, startTime );
"Name: create_dvar( <var> , <val> )"
"Summary: Initialize a dvar with a given value"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <var>: Name of the dvar"
"MandatoryArg: <val>: Default value"
"Example: create_dvar( "fish", "on" );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
create_dvar( var, val )
SetDvarIfUninitialized( var, val );
"Name: tag_project( <tagname> , <dist> )"
"Summary: returns a point projected off a tag"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <tagname>: "
"MandatoryArg: <dist>: "
"Example: target = tank tag_project( "tag_flash", 99999 );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
tag_project( tagname, dist )
org = self GetTagOrigin( tagname );
angle = self GetTagAngles( tagname );
vector = AnglesToForward( angle );
vector = VectorNormalize( vector ) * dist;
return org + vector;
"Name: ter_op( <statement> , <true_value> , <false_value> )"
"Summary: Functon that serves as a tertiary operator in C/C++"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <statement>: The statement to evaluate"
"MandatoryArg: <true_value>: The value that is returned when the statement evaluates to true"
"MandatoryArg: <false_value>: That value that is returned when the statement evaluates to false"
"Example: x = ter_op( x > 5, 2, 7 );"
"SPMP: both"
ter_op( statement, true_value, false_value )
if ( statement )
return true_value;
return false_value;
create_lock( msg, count )
if ( !IsDefined( count ) )
count = 1;
Assert( IsDefined( msg ) );
if ( !IsDefined( level.lock ) )
level.lock = [];
lock_struct = SpawnStruct();
lock_struct.max_count = count;
lock_struct.count = 0;
level.lock[ msg ] = lock_struct;
lock_exists( msg )
if( !IsDefined( level.lock ) )
return false;
return IsDefined( level.lock[ msg ] );
lock( msg )
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock[ msg ] ) );
lock = level.lock[ msg ];
while ( lock.count >= lock.max_count )
lock waittill ( "unlocked" );
is_locked( msg )
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock[ msg ] ) );
lock = level.lock[ msg ];
return lock.count > lock.max_count;
unlock_wait( msg )
//dodge endon issues
thread unlock_thread( msg );
wait 0.05;
unlock( msg )
//dodge endon issues
thread unlock_thread( msg );
unlock_thread( msg )
wait 0.05;
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.lock[ msg ] ) );
lock = level.lock[ msg ];
Assert( lock.count >= 0 );
lock notify ( "unlocked" );
"Name: get_template_level()"
"Summary: returns the templated level or level.script"
"Module: Entity"
"CallOn: An entity"
"Example: "
"SPMP: singleplayer"
script = level.script;
if ( IsDefined( level.template_script ) )
script = level.template_script;
return script;
"Name: is_player_gamepad_enabled()"
"Summary: returns whether the player is using a gamepad"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: Player"
"Example: player is_player_gamepad_enabled()"
"SPMP: both"
if ( !level.Console )
player_gpad_enabled = self UsingGamepad();
if ( IsDefined( player_gpad_enabled ) )
return player_gpad_enabled;
return false;
return true;
"Name: array_reverse( <array> )"
"Summary: Reverses the order of the array and returns the new array."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array to be reversed."
"Example: patrol_nodes = array_reverse( patrol_nodes );"
"SPMP: both"
array_reverse( array )
array2 = [];
for ( i = array.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
array2[ array2.size ] = array[ i ];
return array2;
"Name: distance_2d_squared( <a> , <b> )"
"Summary: Returns the distance squared between vectors a and b in the x and y axis (z is ignored)."
"Module: Distance"
"MandatoryArg: <a>: Vector of first position to be checked for distance 2d sqaured."
"MandatoryArg: <b>: Vector of second position to be checked for distance 2d squared."
"Example: dist_2d_sqrd = distance_2d_squared( level.player.origin, helicopter.origin ) "
"SPMP: both"
distance_2d_squared( a, b )
return Length2DSquared( a - b );
"Name: get_array_of_farthest( <org> , <array> , <excluders> , <max>, <maxdist>, <mindist> )"
"Summary: Returns an array of all the entities in < array > sorted in order of farthest to closest."
"Module: Distance"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <org> : Origin to be farthest from."
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array of entities to check distance on."
"OptionalArg: <excluders> : Array of entities to exclude from the check."
"OptionalArg: <max> : Max size of the array to return"
"OptionalArg: <maxdist> : Max distance from the origin to return acceptable entities"
"OptionalArg: <mindist> : Min distance from the origin to return acceptable entities"
"Example: allies_sort = get_array_of_closest( originFC1.origin, allies );"
"SPMP: both"
get_array_of_farthest( org, array, excluders, max, maxdist, mindist )
aArray = get_array_of_closest( org, array, excluders, max, maxdist, mindist );
aArray = array_reverse( aArray );
return aArray;
"Name: get_array_of_closest( <org> , <array> , <excluders> , <max>, <maxdist>, <mindist> )"
"Summary: Returns an array of all the entities in < array > sorted in order of closest to farthest."
"Module: Distance"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <org> : Origin to be closest to."
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array of entities to check distance on."
"OptionalArg: <excluders> : Array of entities to exclude from the check."
"OptionalArg: <max> : Max size of the array to return"
"OptionalArg: <maxdist> : Max distance from the origin to return acceptable entities"
"OptionalArg: <mindist> : Min distance from the origin to return acceptable entities"
"Example: allies_sort = get_array_of_closest( originFC1.origin, allies );"
"SPMP: both"
get_array_of_closest( org, array, excluders, max, maxdist, mindist )
// pass an array of entities to this function and it will return them in the order of closest
// to the origin you pass, you can also set max to limit how many ents get returned
if ( !isdefined( max ) )
max = array.size;
if ( !isdefined( excluders ) )
excluders = [];
maxdist2rd = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( maxdist ) )
maxdist2rd = maxdist * maxdist;
mindist2rd = 0;
if ( IsDefined( mindist ) )
mindist2rd = mindist * mindist;
// optimize the common case of a simple sort
if ( excluders.size == 0 && max >= array.size && mindist2rd == 0 && !isdefined( maxdist2rd ) )
return SortByDistance( array, org );
newArray = [];
foreach ( ent in array )
excluded = false;
foreach ( excluder in excluders )
if ( ent == excluder )
excluded = true;
if ( excluded )
dist2rd = DistanceSquared( org, ent.origin );
if ( IsDefined( maxdist2rd ) && dist2rd > maxdist2rd )
if ( dist2rd < mindist2rd )
newArray[ newArray.size ] = ent;
newArray = SortByDistance( newArray, org );
if ( max >= newArray.size )
return newArray;
finalArray = [];
for ( i = 0; i < max; i++ )
finalArray[ i ] = newArray[ i ];
return finalArray;
"Name: drop_to_ground( <pos> )"
"Summary: Return the ground point for this origin"
"Module: Utility"
"MandatoryArg: <pos>: The origin you want to find the ground point for"
"OptionalArg: <updist>: Optional height to drop the point from"
"OptionalArg: <downdist>: Optional height to drop the point to"
"Example: ground_org = drop_to_ground( origin );"
"SPMP: both"
drop_to_ground( pos, updist, downdist )
if ( !isdefined( updist ) )
updist = 1500;
if ( !isdefined( downdist ) )
downdist = -12000;
return PhysicsTrace( pos + ( 0, 0, updist ), pos + ( 0, 0, downdist ) );
add_destructible_type_function( destructible_type, function )
if ( !IsDefined( level.destructible_functions ) )
level.destructible_functions = [];
Assert( !IsDefined( level.destructible_functions[ destructible_type ] ) );
level.destructible_functions[ destructible_type ] = function;
add_destructible_type_transient( destructible_type, name )
AssertEx( !IsDefined( level._loadStarted ), "add_destructible_type_transient() must be set before _load::main()" );
if ( !IsDefined( level.destructible_transient ) )
level.destructible_transient = [];
Assert( !IsDefined( level.destructible_transient[ destructible_type ] ) );
level.destructible_transient[ destructible_type ] = name;
"Name: within_fov( <start_origin> , <start_angles> , <end_origin> , <fov> )"
"Summary: Returns true if < end_origin > is within the field of view, otherwise returns false."
"Module: Vector"
"MandatoryArg: <start_origin> : starting origin for FOV check( usually the players origin )"
"MandatoryArg: <start_angles> : angles to specify facing direction( usually the players angles )"
"MandatoryArg: <end_origin> : origin to check if it's in the FOV"
"MandatoryArg: <fov> : cosine of the FOV angle to use"
"Example: qBool = within_fov( level.player.origin, level.player.angles, target1.origin, Cos( 45 ) );"
"SPMP: both"
within_fov( start_origin, start_angles, end_origin, fov )
normal = VectorNormalize( end_origin - start_origin );
forward = AnglesToForward( start_angles );
dot = VectorDot( forward, normal );
return dot >= fov;
"Name: entity_path_disconnect_thread( <update_rate> )"
"Summary: Periodically updates path disconnects that are caused by this entity as it moves"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: entity"
"MandatoryArg: <update_rate> : how long the thread waits between updates"
"Example: crate thread entity_path_disconnect_thread( 1.0 );"
"SPMP: both"
entity_path_disconnect_thread( updateRate )
self notify("entity_path_disconnect_thread");
self endon("entity_path_disconnect_thread");
self endon("death");
level endon("game_ended");
disconnect = false;
self.forceDisconnectUntil = 0;
assert( updateRate >= 0.05 );
while( 1 )
lastPos = self.origin;
event = waittill_any_timeout( updateRate, "path_disconnect" );
newDisconnect = false;
moved = DistanceSquared( self.origin, lastPos ) > 0;
if ( moved )
newDisconnect = true;
if ( IsDefined( event ) && (event == "path_disconnect") )
newDisconnect = true;
if ( GetTime() < self.forceDisconnectUntil )
newDisconnect = true;
foreach ( character in level.characters )
if ( IsAI( character ) && DistanceSquared( self.origin, character.origin ) < 500 * 500 )
newDisconnect = true;
self.forceDisconnectUntil = max(GetTime() + 30000,self.forceDisconnectUntil);
if ( (newDisconnect != disconnect) || moved )
if ( newDisconnect )
self DisconnectPaths();
self ConnectPaths();
disconnect = newDisconnect;
"Name: make_entity_sentient_mp( <team>, <expendable> )"
"Summary: Make an entity a sentient. Returns boolean result. Only runs if in MP and bots are enabled"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: entity"
"MandatoryArg: <team> sentient team."
"OptionalArg: <expendable> true if the sentient can be freed up to make room for other sentients
"Example: chopper make_entity_sentient_mp( heli_team );"
"SPMP: both"
make_entity_sentient_mp( team, expendable )
if ( level.gameType == "aliens" && IsDefined( level.aliens_make_entity_sentient_func ) )
return self [[ level.aliens_make_entity_sentient_func ]]( team, expendable );
if ( IsDefined( level.bot_funcs ) && IsDefined( level.bot_funcs["bots_make_entity_sentient"] ) )
return self [[ level.bot_funcs["bots_make_entity_sentient"] ]]( team, expendable );
"Name: ai_3d_sighting_model( <associatedEnt> )"
"Summary: Notify an AI recipient of the visual object location of entity"
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: Bot client or agent player"
"MandatoryArg: <associatedEnt> Entity the cue refers to."
"Example: aiEnt ai_3d_sighting_model( enemy );"
"SPMP: both"
ai_3d_sighting_model( associatedEnt )
assert( isAI( self ) );
if ( IsDefined( level.bot_funcs ) && IsDefined( level.bot_funcs["ai_3d_sighting_model"] ) )
return self [[ level.bot_funcs["ai_3d_sighting_model"] ]]( associatedEnt );
set_basic_animated_model( model, anime, mpanimstring)
if( !isdefined ( level.anim_prop_models ) )
level.anim_prop_models = [];
// Would use isSP() but this runs before we can
mapname = tolower( getdvar( "mapname" ) );
SP = true;
if ( string_starts_with( mapname, "mp_" ) )
SP = false;
if ( SP )
level.anim_prop_models[ model ][ "basic" ] = anime;
level.anim_prop_models[ model ][ "basic" ] = mpanimstring;
"Name: GetClosest( <org> , <array> , <maxdist> )"
"Summary: Returns the closest entity in < array > to location < org > "
"Module: Distance"
"MandatoryArg: <org> : Origin to be closest to."
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array of entities to check distance on"
"OptionalArg: <maxdist> : Maximum distance to check"
"Example: friendly = GetClosest( level.player.origin, allies );"
"SPMP: both"
getClosest( org, array, maxdist )
if ( !IsDefined( maxdist ) )
maxdist = 500000; // twice the size of the grid
ent = undefined;
foreach ( item in array )
newdist = Distance( item.origin, org );
if ( newdist >= maxdist )
maxdist = newdist;
ent = item;
return ent;
"Name: GetFarthest( <org> , <array> , <maxdist> )"
"Summary: Returns the farthest entity in < array > to location < org > "
"Module: Distance"
"MandatoryArg: <org> : Origin to be farthest from."
"MandatoryArg: <array> : Array of entities to check distance on"
"OptionalArg: <maxdist> : Maximum distance to check"
"Example: target = GetFarthest( level.player.origin, targets );"
"SPMP: both"
getFarthest( org, array, maxdist )
if ( !IsDefined( maxdist ) )
maxdist = 500000; // twice the size of the grid
dist = 0;
ent = undefined;
foreach ( item in array )
newdist = Distance( item.origin, org );
if ( newdist <= dist || newdist >= maxdist )
dist = newdist;
ent = item;
return ent;
missile_setTargetAndFlightMode( target, mode, offset )
Assert( IsDefined( target ) );
Assert( IsDefined( mode ) );
offset = ter_op( IsDefined( offset ), offset, (0,0,0) );
self Missile_SetTargetEnt( target, offset );
switch ( mode )
case "direct":
self Missile_SetFlightmodeDirect();
case "top":
self Missile_SetFlightModeTop();
"Name: add_fx( <fx_id> , <fx_path> )"
"Summary: add an effect to the level._effect array. This is used by exploder and createfx and anything that uses getfx."
"Module: Utility"
"CallOn: An entity"
"MandatoryArg: <fx_id>: "
"MandatoryArg: <fx_path>: "
"Example: "
"SPMP: both"
add_fx( fx_id, fx_path )
if ( !IsDefined( level._effect ) )
level._effect = [];
Assert( IsDefined( fx_path ) );
Assert( IsDefined( fx_id ) );
level._effect[ fx_id ] = LoadFX( fx_path );
"Name: array_sort_by_handler( <array> , <compare_func> )"
"Summary: Returns the sorted version of the passed array according to the passed function handler. Exchange sort is used to order the array. Items in the array are compared using the passed compare_func"
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array>: Array to be sorted"
"MandatoryArg: <compare_func>: Function that returns a value that useable with the comparison operator, specifically the less than operator: <"
"Example: vehicle_nodes = array_sort_by_handler( vehicle_nodes, ::distance_from_player )"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
array_sort_by_handler( array, compare_func )
AssertEx( IsDefined( array ), "Array not defined." );
AssertEx( IsDefined( compare_func ), "Compare function not defined." );
for ( i = 0; i < array.size - 1; i++ )
for ( j = i + 1; j < array.size; j++ )
if ( array[ j ] [[ compare_func ]]() < array[ i ] [[ compare_func ]]() )
ref = array[ j ];
array[ j ] = array[ i ];
array[ i ] = ref;
return array;
"Name: array_sort_with_func( <array> , <compare_func> )"
"Summary: Returns the sorted version of the passed array according to the passed function handler. Items in the array are compared using the passed compare_func."
"Module: Array"
"CallOn: "
"MandatoryArg: <array>: Array to be sorted"
"MandatoryArg: <compare_func>: User defined function that returns the comparison value."
"Example: vehicle_nodes = array_sort_with_func( vehicle_nodes, ::distance_from_player )"
"SPMP: both"
array_sort_with_func( array, compare_func )
AssertEx( IsDefined( array ), "Array not defined." );
AssertEx( IsDefined( compare_func ), "Compare function not defined." );
for ( i = 0; i < array.size - 1; i++ )
for ( j = i + 1; j < array.size; j++ )
if ( [[ compare_func ]]( array[ j ], array[ i ] ) )
ref = array[ j ];
array[ j ] = array[ i ];
array[ i ] = ref;
// switch from bubble sort to insertion sort, which is a bit more efficient
// both cases behave best when array.size is small and mostly sorted
prof_begin( "Array_sort" );
for (j = 1; j < array.size; j++)
key = array[j];
for (i = j - 1; (i >= 0) && ![[ compare_func ]](array[i], key); i--)
array[i+1] = array[i];
array[i+1] = key;
prof_end( "Array_sort" );
return array;