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A plugin that has code that hopefully compiles and the game will load it to do things. Stability not guaranteed.

Requires Git (, Premake5 (, and MSVC 2022 ( to build.


Move the t4sp-server-plugin.dll to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\plugins\, the plugin will be loaded when you start up a dedicated server for Plutonium T4SP.


Detours and reimplements the entire GSC VM + compiler.

Adds custom GSC functions.


This plugin provides FileIO interface to GSC for reading and writing files, this is exact to CoD4x's interface.

However, all reads and writes will take place strictly and only in the scriptdata folder, no up directory traversal allowed.

All files will be closed upon GSC restart (map_restart or fast_restart or missionfailed, etc), only a maximum of 10 files may be opened at once.

  • <bool> FS_TestFile(<filename string>) Returns true if the file exists, false otherwise.

  • <bool> FS_Remove(<filename string>, <(optional) use_global bool>) Deletes the file, return true if successful, false otherwise. use_global will use non mod specific folder.

    // test to see if "scriptdata/test.txt" file exists
    if (FS_TestFile("test.txt")) // not a typo, all file io will take place inside the "scriptdata" folder
      PrintConsole("Found test.txt!");
      // delete it!
      if (FS_Remove("test.txt"))
        PrintConsole("test.txt was deleted!");
  • FS_FCloseAll() Closes every full file.

    // open some files
    FS_FCloseAll(); // close them all
  • <int> FS_FOpen(<filename string>, <mode string>, <(optional) use_global bool>) Tries to open the file, mode must be one of read, write (clears the file), append (appends to the file), returns the filehandle. Will return 0 if failed to open. use_global will use non mod specific folder (only applies to write mode).

  • FS_FClose(<filehandle int>) Closes the file pointed by the filehandle given, which was returned from FS_FOpen.

    // opens "scriptdata/test.txt", all io will take place inside the "scriptdata" folder
    f = FS_FOpen("test.txt", "read"); // can be "read" "write", or "append"
    if (!f)
      PrintConsole("test.txt failed to be opened for reading!");
      // do stuff with the file
      FS_FClose(f); // make sure to close it
  • <string> FS_ReadLine(<filehandle int>) Reads a line from the file pointed by the filehandle, removes the newline char. Returns undefined when nothing is left to read. Will not read more than 65536 characters at once. Filehandle must be opened for reading.

  • <string> FS_Read(<filehandle int>, <bytes int>(optional)) Reads number of bytes from the file. If bytes is undefined, reads the entire file. No more than 65536 characters will be read at once. Returns undefined if there are nothing left to read.

    // open the file for reading
    line = FS_ReadLine(f);
    while (isDefined(line))
      // do something with line
      line = FS_ReadLine(f);
    // entire file is read
    // close the file
  • <bool> FS_WriteLine(<filehandle int>, <contents string>) Writes to the file pointed by the filehandle. Appends a newline character. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Filehandle must be opened for writing.

  • <bool> FS_Write(<filehandle int>, <contents string>) Same as above, does not add a newline character.

    // open the file for writing
    FS_WriteLine(f, "writing some text with newline added");
    FS_Write(f, "no newline here");
    FS_Write(f, "i manually add a newline\n");
    // close the file
  • <array of strings> FS_ListFiles(<folder string>) Returns a list of files inside of the folder given.

    folder = "testfolder/";
    files = FS_ListFiles(folder);
    for (i = 0; i < files.size; i++)
      filename = files[i];
      // do something with the filename
      filepath = folder + filename;
  • <int> FS_Length(<filehandle int>) Returns the length in bytes of the open'd file.

  • <int> FS_GetSeek(<filehandle int>) Returns the seek of the open'd file (only for reading).

  • <int> FS_Seek(<filehandle int>, <seek int>) Sets the seek of the open'd file (only for reading).


A plugin that has code that hopefully compiles and the game will load it to do things. Stability not guaranteed.
Readme AGPL-3.0 2.5 MiB
C++ 99.9%