T5 version of t6-gsc-utils.
If you wish for any feature to be added please create an issue.
- Download the latest version from the releases
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Easily add almost any C++ function into GSC:
{ gsc::function::add("myfunc", [](int a, const std::string& b) { printf("%i %s\n", a, b.data()); }); }
init() { myFunc(1, "hello world"); }
Non-primitive GSC types such as arrays and structs (soon) are also supported and can be implicitly converted to STL containers:
{ gsc::function::add("sort", [](std::vector<int> vec) { std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); return vec; }); }
init() { arr = []; arr[arr.size] = 10; arr[arr.size] = 5; arr[arr.size] = 3; arr[arr.size] = 2; arr[arr.size] = 9; for (i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) { print(arr[i]); } print(""); arr = sort(arr); for (i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) { print(arr[i]); } }
More examples can be found here
Functions & Methods
A list of all the functions and methods that are added by this plugin.
: Returns true if the file exists.writeFile(path, data[, append])
: Creates a file if it doesn't exist and writes/appends text to it.appendFile(path, data)
: Creates a file if it doesn't exist and appends text to it.readFile(path)
: Reads a file.fileSize(path)
: Returns file size in bytes.createDirectory(path)
: Creates a directory.directoryExists(path)
: Returns true if the directory exists.directoryIsEmpty(path)
: Returns true if the directory is empty.listFiles(path)
: Returns the list of files in the directory as an array.copyFolder(source, target)
,copyDirectory(source, target)
: Copies a folder.removeDirectory(path[, recursive])
: Removes a directory and optionally all its contents.
: Executes a console command.fast_restart() { executeCommand("fast_restart"); }
addCommand(name, callback)
,command::add(name, callback)
: Adds a console command.init() { addCommand("test_cmd", ::test_cmd); } test_cmd(args) { assert(args[0] == "test_cmd"); print("Hello world", args.size); }
addClientCommand(name, callback)
,command::add_sv(name, callback)
: Adds a client command (can be executed by players through the console).init() { command::add_sv("suicide", ::sv_cmd_suicide); } sv_cmd_suicide(args) { self suicide(); }
self tell(message)
: Prints a message to a player's chat. -
: Prints a message to all players' chat.init() { level thread on_player_connected(); } on_player_connected() { while (true) { level waittill("connected", player); say(string::format("%s connected!", player.name)); player tell(string::format("Hello %s!", player.name)); } }
sendServerCommand(client_num, reliable, text)
: Executes SV_GameSendServerCommand.
va(fmt, ...)
,formatString(fmt, ...)
,sprintf(fmt, ...)
string::va(fmt, ...)
,string::format(fmt, ...)
: Formats a string:init() { print(va("hello %i %f %s", 1, 1.2, "world")); }
printf(fmt, ...)
: Formats and prints a string:init() { printf("hello %i %f %s", 1, 1.2, "world"); }
: Converts the string to lowercase. -
: Converts the string to uppercase. -
: Return true if the string contains only numbers. -
string::starts_with(string, start)
: Returns true if the string starts with the specified substring. -
string::ends_with(string, end)
: Returns true if the string ends with the specified substring. -
string::replace(string, what, with)
: Replaces the specified substring with another string. -
string::regex_replace(string, expr, with)
: Replaces the matching substring with another string. -
string::regex_match(string, expr)
: Determines if a regex matches the entire string and returns the matches as an array. -
string::regex_search(string, expr)
: Determines if a regex matches part of the string.init() { assert(string::to_upper("hello") == "HELLO"); assert(string::to_lower("HELLO") == "hello"); assert(string::is_numeric("12345")); assert(string::starts_with("hello world", "hello")); assert(string::ends_with("hello world", "world")); assert(string::replace("hello", "e", "o") == "hollo"); assert(string::regex_replace("hello", "h|e|l|o", "a") == "aaaaa"); assert(string::regex_match("hello", "^hello$").size == 1); assert(string::regex_search("hello", "e|o")); }
: Creates an array from a list of arguments:init() { arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4); }
:init() { assert(type("hello") == "string"); assert(type(array()) == "array"); }