This commit is contained in:
ineedbots 2021-09-04 22:52:49 -06:00
parent 857bc78947
commit 349893abd3
2 changed files with 26 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -333,3 +333,5 @@ set bots_team_force "1"
set bots_loadout_allow_op "0"
set bots_loadout_reasonable "1"
set bots_manage_fill_spec "0"
map mp_nuked

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@ -1 +1,24 @@
start "" "%~dp0BlackOpsMP.exe" +set dedicated "2" +set sv_maxclients "32" +set sv_licensenum "0" +set sv_punkbuster "0" +set sv_ranked "2" +set net_port "28960" +set net_ip "" +set developer "0" +set fs_game "" +exec server.cfg +map mp_nuked
@echo off
::RemoteCONtrol password, needed for most management tools like IW4MADMIN and B3. Do not skip if you installing IW4MADMIN.
set rcon_password=
::Name of the config file the server should use.
set cfg=server.cfg
::Name of the server shown in the title of the cmd window. This will NOT bet shown ingame.
set name=RektT5 Bot Warfare
::Port used by the server (default: 28960)
set port=28967
::What ip to bind too
set ip=
::Mod name (default "")
set mod=
title RektT5 MP - %name% - Server restarter
echo Visit / Join the Discord (a6JM2Tv) for NEWS and Updates!
echo Server "%name%" will load "%cfg%" and listen on port "%port%" UDP with IP "%ip%"!
echo To shut down the server close this window first!
echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start.
start /wait /abovenormal "" "%~dp0rekt\t5m.exe" -console +set dedicated "2" +set net_ip "%ip%" +set net_port "%port%" +set rcon_password "%rcon_password%" +set fs_game "%mod%" +exec "%cfg%"
echo (%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server closed or dropped... server restarts.
goto server